I dissagree for the modules to be commercial. Ok, maybe 2-5 but that's all.
IF we start making commercial modules, in the end we will focus on how to make those modules instead of improve Processwire. Is better if we leave Processwire 100% free in all aspects.
Of course nothing is free and therefore we all need to earn our living expensces , but is better if we earn them by providing to our clients the BEST services instead we make commerical modules. Commerical modules for who? We are all developers, do we need to sell to each other modules?
Let's take Linux, is the BEST operating system and is free, there is a small fee for support but that's all.
Do we need Processwire to become a supermarket like Wordpress or Concrete 5? or we prefer to improve the core so we will get more clients?
It will be a BIG mistake if we make Processwire a commercial platform or/and modules to be commercial. Let's keep it free and FOCUS on the core. And let's organize a Donation online event, for example let's say that every year (for example every Christmas ) we all give 50 Euro(or dollars) as a donation to the Processwire, so they will keep paying for the hosting, invent into new core, into new modules etc etc
I prefer less people to use Processwire but those people to be REAL developers with good clients, quality instead of quantity. Of course is a matter of choice.
To be honest all this is JUST my personal opinion, maybe I am wrong