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Everything posted by spoetnik

  1. Sweeeeeet!! I will play with this. Thanks for pointing me out in the right direction!!
  2. Maybe this is more of a general PW question, or even a general php question. How do I controll and modify the default output of modules?? I am trying to modify the default shoppingcart. I heart about hooks, but don't know if they are there, and if they are there, how to use them. Another thought would be to extend the shoppingCart class in my own module, but without success sofar. Could someone please help this novice in the right direction a bit?? Thanks.
  3. Thanks for all the hard work, and the release of PW 2.2. Are you still planning on participating in this project? I hope this will help this project gain momentum, as I think a project like this will help PW get noticed.
  4. Any progress on the development of an e-commerce module??
  5. I don't want to drive people away trying something else, but the new Drupal Commerce is also a nice flexible E-commerce framework. I love the framework, but really hat the theming part of Drupal.
  6. This is the stacktrace of the error I get. I dont' understand what's wrong: [24-Feb-2012 16:29:13] PHP Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /DATA/www-root/proc.wainmanhawaii.nl/site-wainmanhawaii.nl/modules/Shop/ShoppingCart.module:2) in /DATA/www-root/proc.wainmanhawaii.nl/wire/core/Session.php on line 258 [24-Feb-2012 16:29:13] PHP Stack trace: [24-Feb-2012 16:29:13] PHP 1. {main}() /DATA/www-root/proc.wainmanhawaii.nl/index.php:0 [24-Feb-2012 16:29:13] PHP 2. ProcessWire->__construct() /DATA/www-root/proc.wainmanhawaii.nl/index.php:183 [24-Feb-2012 16:29:13] PHP 3. ProcessWire->load() /DATA/www-root/proc.wainmanhawaii.nl/wire/core/ProcessWire.php:46 [24-Feb-2012 16:29:13] PHP 4. Modules->triggerInit() /DATA/www-root/proc.wainmanhawaii.nl/wire/core/ProcessWire.php:134 [24-Feb-2012 16:29:13] PHP 5. ShoppingCart->init() /DATA/www-root/proc.wainmanhawaii.nl/wire/core/Modules.php:126 [24-Feb-2012 16:29:13] PHP 6. Session->redirect() /DATA/www-root/proc.wainmanhawaii.nl/site-wainmanhawaii.nl/modules/Shop/ShoppingCart.module:35 [24-Feb-2012 16:29:13] PHP 7. Wire->__call() /DATA/www-root/proc.wainmanhawaii.nl/site-wainmanhawaii.nl/modules/Shop/ShoppingCart.module:35 [24-Feb-2012 16:29:13] PHP 8. Wire->runHooks() /DATA/www-root/proc.wainmanhawaii.nl/wire/core/Wire.php:229 [24-Feb-2012 16:29:13] PHP 9. call_user_func_array() /DATA/www-root/proc.wainmanhawaii.nl/wire/core/Wire.php:269 [24-Feb-2012 16:29:13] PHP 10. Session->___redirect() /DATA/www-root/proc.wainmanhawaii.nl/wire/core/Wire.php:269 [24-Feb-2012 16:29:13] PHP 11. header() /DATA/www-root/proc.wainmanhawaii.nl/wire/core/Session.php:258 [24-Feb-2012 16:29:13] PHP Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /DATA/www-root/proc.wainmanhawaii.nl/site-wainmanhawaii.nl/modules/Shop/ShoppingCart.module:2) in /DATA/www-root/proc.wainmanhawaii.nl/wire/core/Session.php on line 259 [24-Feb-2012 16:29:13] PHP Stack trace: [24-Feb-2012 16:29:13] PHP 1. {main}() /DATA/www-root/proc.wainmanhawaii.nl/index.php:0 [24-Feb-2012 16:29:13] PHP 2. ProcessWire->__construct() /DATA/www-root/proc.wainmanhawaii.nl/index.php:183 [24-Feb-2012 16:29:13] PHP 3. ProcessWire->load() /DATA/www-root/proc.wainmanhawaii.nl/wire/core/ProcessWire.php:46 [24-Feb-2012 16:29:13] PHP 4. Modules->triggerInit() /DATA/www-root/proc.wainmanhawaii.nl/wire/core/ProcessWire.php:134 [24-Feb-2012 16:29:13] PHP 5. ShoppingCart->init() /DATA/www-root/proc.wainmanhawaii.nl/wire/core/Modules.php:126 [24-Feb-2012 16:29:13] PHP 6. Session->redirect() /DATA/www-root/proc.wainmanhawaii.nl/site-wainmanhawaii.nl/modules/Shop/ShoppingCart.module:35 [24-Feb-2012 16:29:13] PHP 7. Wire->__call() /DATA/www-root/proc.wainmanhawaii.nl/site-wainmanhawaii.nl/modules/Shop/ShoppingCart.module:35 [24-Feb-2012 16:29:13] PHP 8. Wire->runHooks() /DATA/www-root/proc.wainmanhawaii.nl/wire/core/Wire.php:229 [24-Feb-2012 16:29:13] PHP 9. call_user_func_array() /DATA/www-root/proc.wainmanhawaii.nl/wire/core/Wire.php:269 [24-Feb-2012 16:29:13] PHP 10. Session->___redirect() /DATA/www-root/proc.wainmanhawaii.nl/wire/core/Wire.php:269 [24-Feb-2012 16:29:13] PHP 11. header() /DATA/www-root/proc.wainmanhawaii.nl/wire/core/Session.php:259 [24-Feb-2012 16:29:13] PHP Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /DATA/www-root/proc.wainmanhawaii.nl/site-wainmanhawaii.nl/modules/Shop/ShoppingCart.module:2) in /DATA/www-root/proc.wainmanhawaii.nl/wire/core/Session.php on line 260 [24-Feb-2012 16:29:13] PHP Stack trace: [24-Feb-2012 16:29:13] PHP 1. {main}() /DATA/www-root/proc.wainmanhawaii.nl/index.php:0 [24-Feb-2012 16:29:13] PHP 2. ProcessWire->__construct() /DATA/www-root/proc.wainmanhawaii.nl/index.php:183 [24-Feb-2012 16:29:13] PHP 3. ProcessWire->load() /DATA/www-root/proc.wainmanhawaii.nl/wire/core/ProcessWire.php:46 [24-Feb-2012 16:29:13] PHP 4. Modules->triggerInit() /DATA/www-root/proc.wainmanhawaii.nl/wire/core/ProcessWire.php:134 [24-Feb-2012 16:29:13] PHP 5. ShoppingCart->init() /DATA/www-root/proc.wainmanhawaii.nl/wire/core/Modules.php:126 [24-Feb-2012 16:29:13] PHP 6. Session->redirect() /DATA/www-root/proc.wainmanhawaii.nl/site-wainmanhawaii.nl/modules/Shop/ShoppingCart.module:35 [24-Feb-2012 16:29:13] PHP 7. Wire->__call() /DATA/www-root/proc.wainmanhawaii.nl/site-wainmanhawaii.nl/modules/Shop/ShoppingCart.module:35 [24-Feb-2012 16:29:13] PHP 8. Wire->runHooks() /DATA/www-root/proc.wainmanhawaii.nl/wire/core/Wire.php:229 [24-Feb-2012 16:29:13] PHP 9. call_user_func_array() /DATA/www-root/proc.wainmanhawaii.nl/wire/core/Wire.php:269 [24-Feb-2012 16:29:13] PHP 10. Session->___redirect() /DATA/www-root/proc.wainmanhawaii.nl/wire/core/Wire.php:269 [24-Feb-2012 16:29:13] PHP 11. header() /DATA/www-root/proc.wainmanhawaii.nl/wire/core/Session.php:260
  7. No other 3-th party modules installed. My code is probably horrable, I am not a skilled programmer, more a copy/past guy. It is just for testing, so not a big deal for me. @apeisa, If you are interested I could send you a backup of my site including a DB-dump, so you can test it? Again, it's nly for testing and fun for me, so no big deal at all.
  8. Installed the Commerce module in a MAMP Pro (mac) environment, and when adding an item to the cart I get an error message: Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by Line 35 of ShoppingCart.module Session->redirect( ) ../ShoppingCart.module:35 Strange, because I had the same install (backed it up, restored it at home) on Ubuntu and everything was alright ?!? Any suggestions?
  9. Wouldn't it be nice if she could integrate a PHP debugging option like php Bug Lost It's can display render time, amount of sql-queries, memory usage, and can even email in case of errors!! What do you think, possible to do??
  10. Processwire finds ways to amaze me every time. I will experiment with the second option, because I don't have shell access to my shared hosting account. Thanks!!
  11. It would be great if Processwire could handle a multi-site setup just like Drupal. At the moment the site structure is like: -site -wire A multi-site setup could be: -processwire.com -talk.processwire.com -any-other-site.com -wire Depending on the entry-domain, the config from the domain gets loaded. So http://processwire.com would load processwire.com/config.php and http://talk.processwire.com would load talk.proceswire.com/config.php. If you need a module for just one site, stick it in the domain/modules folder, same for the templates and assets. Any thoughts about this?
  12. I am looking in a totally different route, building a SOAP-client modules for Magento. So, using Magento as the store, but using the amazing process wire as a display. Would this be very ambitious??
  13. Thanks Apeisa. I have been playing with your Shop-alpha module, and it looks promising. I have been thinking how I could solve the Product variations, and came up with this idea; Using Page reference. for instance a product called "I love PW T-shirt" with references to "I love PW T-shirt, black, small", "I love PW T-shirt, black large", "I love PW T-shirt, red, small", "I love PW T-shirt, red, large" The downside is it will be a hell of a job to add all product variations, but maybe a csv-import would ease the job. What do you think, is this the right track??
  14. Wauw, that looks pretty impressive for an Alpha Release. I will play with it, thanks!!
  15. That sounds good!! If you need a Alpha/Beta tester, I'm in!!
  16. Any thoughts on building a native Processwire E-commerce Module? Some elements to build, don't know whats the best solution for each would be: Product (including variations) Cart (database, so persistent, preferable not session based) Order Stock
  17. If al you need is a tool to dump and import mysql database, look at the tool called "Dumper" http://www.mysqldumper.net/ Otherwise, look for a tool called "SQLBuddy" http://www.sqlbuddy.com/ Both are much "lighter" than phpmyadmin.
  18. My first site build using process wire. www.morelfotografie.nl The first build was using zenphoto, but after a security flaw, I have rebuild this simple site using processwire in just a few hours!! Thanks for this amazing, flexible CMF!!
  19. Just installed Processwire on shared hosting using IIS on windows. Only problem I had was with the .htaccess file not doing the url rewrite. The hoster told me they use ISAPI_REWRITE 3 for IIS. Finally got it working by commenting out line 113 "RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} "^/~?[-_.a-zA-Z0-9/]*$"", and now it's all working fine. I don't understand the possible negative consequences by commenting out this line?
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