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Everything posted by AlexFromG

  1. Thanks for clarifying, think I got it now!
  2. So what is the recommended way to manage bower_components / import files in your opinion? Or is it that import files will break the processwire bootstrap process? Confused me.
  3. RT @polymer: Polymer hits "Alpha": new logo, new look, new beginner content. Check out http://t.co/Csl5oTyXER

  4. AlexFromG

    New Logo

    That's very kind, thank you! Just reading most of the time and trying to get into PW...
  5. AlexFromG

    New Logo

    Wow, we have a logo! When did that come in? Did I miss the announcement? Alex
  6. Sure, hope I can help! Stunning design, by the way, I really like it! But for your translation: In your navigational menu, you have an item "Add your cottage". This should be "Ferienhaus hinzufügen" in German. Then you have "gesamtes Finnland" in your search options menu, which would be "All of Finland" in English. I would prefer a different expression here, like "All regions" which you have in the English version, so maybe just "Alle Regionen". Also in the search menu, you have "Start" and "Ende". While that is quite alright, we usually have "Anreise" and "Abreise" for this in German. In your further search options, I was wondering what "Nahrungssuche" ("gathering food") in the activities section would mean. I suppose this indicates trips with local scouts showing where to go mushroom hunting etc.? So maybe "Pilzsuche" or "Beerensammeln" would be better. I also did not understand immediately what "employee recreation" In the equipment part of your further search options would be (in German this does not get printed out fully also, but I have a small screen here). Is this "wellness", maybe? That would be "Wellness-Angebote", or "Wellness-Behandlungen" in German. In the "summer 2014" part, the second sentence should be "Traditionell feiert man Mittsommer in guter Gesellschaft in einem Ferienhaus am See. Das nächste Mal findet Mittsommer am 21. Juni 2014 statt." In your footer text, you have in German "Fügen Sie Ihre Unterkunft zum Datenspeicher hinzu". This should rather be "Fügen Sie Ihre Unterkunft zum Verzeichnis hinzu". The following link is called "Register". In German, this should be "Anmelden". Right next to this in the footer the headline for your login reads "Unterkunftsbesitzer". I would change this to "Login für Vermieter". In your listings overview page, I noticed that the uppermost part of each listing's headline is missing. From a usability point, I found the line indicating the number of results ("cottages found") almost unreadable in my browser setting because of low contrast. In the individual listings pages, I would change "Hauptinfo" to "Übersicht", "Preisermittlung" to "Preise", and "text-reservations" to "Belegung" or "Belegungsplan". Did I already mention that I really like your design? Alex
  7. RT @trilodge: Bewundere gerade mein eigenes CSS und frage mich nach einem halben Jahr wie das funktioniert :D

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