Solved it by reading how $pages->clone() does it, and just doing that....
I also see that $pages->clone() has the ability to set an argument to specify a page ID which solves my issue of cloning a page and not having the the page ID I want after the clone.
//copies the fields of one page to replace the fields of another page.
function copyFields ($sourcePage, $destinationPage)
//Copy Fields between pages
foreach ($destinationPage->template->fieldgroup as $field){
if($field->type instanceOf FieldtypeTable){
//You get duplicare SQL index errors if you don't use clone.
$destinationPage->$field = clone $sourcePage->$field;
}elseif($field->type instanceOf FieldtypeTextarea){
//Update image an file links in rich text fields
$destinationPage->$field = str_replace("/files/{$sourcePage->id}/","/files/{$destinationPage->id}/",$sourcePage->$field);
$destinationPage->$field = $sourcePage->$field;
// Copy $sourcePage's files over to new page
if(PagefilesManager::hasFiles($sourcePage)) {
return $destinationPage;