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retinafunk last won the day on October 24 2013

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  1. Indeed it was quite simple ( once I figured out the history API) You need to use pushState() to change URL ... and on popstate event (triiggered by back / forward buttons or javascript:history.back() ) .. just do the same the user would do ( check URL document.location.href and load the content) .. the gotcha is if never pushState if you come to the URL via popstate event.... this broke it at first https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/Guide/API/DOM/Manipulating_the_browser_history
  2. Hi all, we lauched this big website for a festival last week, and pout a lot of work and love into this. Check out: boomfestival.org Hope you like it! and it has been received very well so far.. ( 60 000 visits in less then 1 week) It uses processwire as CMS , and I must say awesome decision to replace Wordpress we used the last editions, processwire is highly superior to wordpress as CMS . I even managed to import a lot of content from Wordpress with the Processwire bootstrap API and JSON and the help of this forum Content is loaded all with Ajax , and still backbutton does work and everything can be deeplinked . Ryan ProCache module has helped very much with Site speed and our high traffic server load If I find the time I might do a case study here...as this ajax approach moight be interesting for other developers
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