I had done what you suggested, several times in fact. I went back once more (just to be thorough) and took a looooonger look at header.php (head.inc renamed), and see a lot more than I did over the past few days. I swear that sidebar code wasn't there before! lol I think I was expecting only "header" info to be there. My bad for that.
I have read the templates section of the API, but it didn't really "click" for me. I think the part that's confusing me is the fields/fieldtypes. How they are used/called. I was able to find some http://processwire.com/videos/page-fieldtype/ documentation under videos, and if those are the other docs available then I'll watch next week. I'm not always in a place/location where I can watch videos. I personally do much better with written code examples. Yeah, sorry...I'm old sk00l.
I do still want to know how to call a module (say the Twitter feed) into a specific area (say the sidebar). I respectfully disagree, this functionality *is* something one needs to get a site going. Or any other module. Your choice.
Thanks. Time will tell if that holds true.
It's heavily commented, to a point. That's the point where at least *I* am left asking the question "OK, now what? Now what do I do?" I go through this myself when I write tutorials on things I have done for years (and could do in my sleep). What needs to be done (and the knowledge behind it) is so ingrained in me, that I don't realize not everyone knows the inbetween parts.
I happen to share that opinion of those two (and more). I've tried many CMSes (CMSi? lol) and never careful for them because they are more of a hindrance than a help. That's why I was hoping that PW would be a good solution, since from what I see it "stays out of my way" more so than your average CMS. I'm used to coding by hand, using includes.
I just need to get past this "learning bump" to see if PW is a good fit. I realize I probably come across as impatient, but I don't have 2 weeks to ramp up on something unless I can be sure it will do what I need it to do, and the time is being well-spent. It's never taken me more than a day to judge one way or the other whether an app would fit my needs. What I've seen of PW thus far, it has some amazing features! Now if I only knew how to use them....
That would be awesome! SMFs' search feature leaves a lot to be desired.
I *do* appreciate your reply and your efforts, thank you!