Hi all,
I've been using EE 1.x/2.x for my personal website for a long time and I'm looking at switching to PW for a variety of reasons. I have a sand-boxed version installed and I have been working through a few of the tutorials. At this point I'm investigating how difficult it will be to re-impliment what I have. I am good enough with perl/SQL that migrating my previous content isn't too much of a concern.
One of the things I cannot quite get my head around is how best to reimpliment a 'thought' and 'links' section of my current site. Thoughts are basically, tweet-like ramblings that I write while links are a simple url (which are associated with a datestamp, but nothing else). In the basic and news article tutorials, an author is always presented with a two-step entry process where the 'Title' and 'Name' slug for each page is first entered and a 2nd step where the content is entered. This works fine for blog posts/articles as these warrant a slug url. However, for 'thoughts', 'links' and 'quotes' I would really rather not have a 'Title' or a 'Name' field at all as these are intended to be quick entries. From a little digging, I gather that each page in PW is expected to have a 'Title' as it is marked as a global field and this is used to fill the 'Name' slug which maps to the page ID. Is there an easy way around this?
In terms of fields, I want:
- Simple line of text, limited to 512 characters
- datestamp entry
- Simple textarea
- Quoted author
- Quoted date
- datestamp of entry
- url
- Simple line of text, limited to 128 characters, describing the url/link.
- datestamp of entry
Thanks for the help.