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  1. Well, from my experince I know that sometimes as site grows there may be more sections / categories that article can be be placed in the future that one cannot forsee right now (like in my example). By the way, TXP is good at it, i am sure you know this.
  2. Not for SEO. I am not sure in what section (parent page) an article (child page) will be. Today it is under site.com/poetry/milton, tomorrow it can be here site.com/poetry/american/revival/milton thanx. yes, that's what may be needed. I will take time to read it. it is not that easy to implement for a beginner.
  3. Thanx for the explanation. The problem is not about the length of urls as such. The reason I want those urls is that pages or articles can be moved from on parent page to another. For example, I have a parent page, say, Poetry and I publish a child page with American poets' stuff, then in the future I may want to divide poetry into American, European etc. poetry pages. Then I have to move my page to the American poetry which is child of the Poetry. In this case my url will be different. I want to avoid it.
  4. Hi, I am trying to get url's mode like www.site.com/artilce instead of www.site.com/parent/page/article. Can I achieve this with the plugin? So far I don't see such an opportunity. If not, can anyone advice how to do that if possible..
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