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  1. $image = $pages->get("/leistungen/dekoration/")->imageK1->url; foreach($images as $image) { echo $image->url; } This do not work too. So I need a little help please.
  2. Yeah, I saw this doc. But it says nothing about accessing fields in other pages. From this doc I figured out the code above. But it do not work.
  3. Hi there, I want get all images from an other page. I tryed this: $image = $pages->get("/leistungen/dekoration/")->imageK1->url; foreach($image as $image) { // Only a simple echo to test if something happend: echo $image; } But nothing happends?!
  4. echo $images = $page->images->slice(0,3); get me an Error: Call to a member function slice() on a non-object
  5. Both thing do not work: $i=0; foreach($page->imageK1 as $imageK1){ if($i==4) break; echo "<a class='fancybox' rel='gallery1' href='$imageK1->url'>"; echo "<img src='$imageK1->url' height='150'></a>"; } the code above put out ALL images. and echo $image = $page->imageK1->first(2); echo $image = $page->imageK1->first(3); echo $image = $page->imageK1->first(4); echo $image = $page->imageK1->first(5); put out only the filename of the FIRST image, 4 times!
  6. Hi, I got an image field named: imageK1. How can I call e.g. the second image? What I want do do: I want to list the first 4 images of the field. Cheers
  7. Hi there, I got a new field (an image field, only 1 images allowed) The problem now is that the images can not display becauese the field contains only the filename and NOT the path. What can I do to recieve the full path and name?
  8. Yes, Martijn, that works. Thank you for your great support.
  9. Fieldname 1 is "folgeTitel", Fieldname 2 is "folgeYT" The pagename is "video-container" (i adapted it in the code trys) It is located in: Home |_Site 1 |_Site 2 |_video-container The "data-pages" are childs from video-container
  10. Hm, sorry it retrieves nothing. Nothing appears!
  11. Sorry but i stuck a litte bit with that. Can you please write the complete code to retrieve the data?
  12. Hm...that seems not to work?! Nothing happend!
  13. Hi, my site have a page that I use as an container. Name CONTAINER. CONATINER has children. Each of them has fields in it. What I want ist this: On an other page I want to list all the content of the fields from CONTAINER children. How can I do that? In MODx there was a plungin called getResources to do that. How it is here?
  14. Hi folks, how can I do a simple contact form with PW? I need Name, Adress, Mail and a checkbox I find a lot of stuff here in the forum but nothin what I cant understand, because nothing wehre show from scratch. So here are the main questions: Where put I the HTML form code? Inside a new template? Or inside the content field? And how can I do the form validation? Ist there a modul ready to go for PW? (not the formBuilder because ist costs money) If not, where put I the PHP code for validation? I just camo from MODx, and I wonder how dificult it is to build a simple form in PW. It might be something to do that I am new to PW, but for now I do not understand how it works to build a form inside PW with validation and so on. What I need is a simple step to step tutorial for beginners. Is there anything like that?
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