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  1. More on Date sorting.. It seems once I open a post, then close, it sorts correctly in descending order. But I can't sort by ascending and when I click on the Date column header it doesn't sort on the fly. All the other columns work fine.
  2. Btw, I think I may have found a bug - In the posts dashboard I can't sort by Date properly.
  3. Ya, I hesitated on the img tag Basicly I want them to see a majority of the post in full formatting (as much as possible) while they are on the blog listing page. But line 602 is surrounding the entire post in a paragraph, so there is still no formatting within it. The paragraphs within the post itself were getting stripped. I should mention also that I enabled CKEditor in for the blog_body field and changed the code in ProcessBlog.module for quickpost_body to use CKEditor also (line 387), but the tags were being stripped from the quickpost CKEditor, so had removed the sanitizer from quickpost (line 1441).
  4. @Kongondo - Thank you very much for the explanation to fix. Next time I'll know not to pull my hair out for 2 hours and just ask the question and wait for the reply Btw, the generated summary strips out all tags so the posts in the blog list looked pretty bad.. So I removed the strip tags.. But then had another problem - if the cutoff was in the middle of an anchor tag, the "view more" anchor tag would become nested and didn't work.. So I put back in the strip tags but allowed <p> and <img> tags.. The summaries in the blog list look much nicer now. ex: Line 543 in MarkupBlog.module now reads: $summary = strip_tags(substr($page->blog_body, 0, $summaryLimit), '<p><img>');
  5. Thank you Kongondo and Ryan for these excellent modules! I've implemented this into a site I'm developing and am having an issue... The blog posts are not truncating. I have the summary length set to 150 , but nothing is being truncated. I know when i created a post I'm populating the "blog_body" field and these settings seem to be for the "blog_summary" field (which does is not one of the fields for the template).. From what I can see in the MarkupBlog.module, there is a conditional if summary is empty to pull from the blog_body and truncate. The blog I'm working on is here: http://shootkta.info/blog/ .. If you have any thoughts, please let me know.
  6. This module accomplishes exactly what I was looking for today. Thank you very much Adrian for making this available.
  7. @Soma - I'm not sure. The site I posted the attachment for was the Teflon version I download in Sep '13. The lastest site I developed I downloaded your Teflon on 1/23/14 (somatonic-teflon-admin-theme-pw2-f87f6b6). @Diogo - Thanks again - that clears things up for me and I now understand.
  8. @Soma - yes, love teflon. I'm running pw 2.3 on servers that are not going to be upgraded to the lastest php or mysql - I have too many sites running scripts that will break if I upgrade mysql or php But I have already ordered a new dedicated server where I will install the latest php/mysql to run all of my future 2.4 pw sites Once I install my first 2.4 site, I'll be curious to see if the new default admin still needs some more teflon
  9. Thanks so much Diogo! I knew I had the order reversed but wasn't sure how to rewrite it. I need to familiarize myself more as to when to use "get" vs "find" .
  10. I have a News listing page that is pulling from a list of articles and I'm trying to sort by date (descending) and limit the articles to four per page. I have attached a screenshot of the articles in the pw admin I have added their dates (pw field article_date) to the right. You can see that they are not physically in order. When I try to sort the children by date and limit to 4, it is actually taking the first 4 entries in pw and sorting them by date, then the next 4 and sorting by date. When what I want is sort ALL of the articles by date then display only 4 at a time. Here is my current code: <?php $articles = $pages->get(1133)->children("limit=4")->sort("-article_date"); foreach ($articles as $article) { echo "<div style='font-size:.75em; margin:0; padding:0 5px;'>".$article->article_date."</div>"; echo "<h4 style='margin:0; padding:0 5px; margin-bottom:20px;'><a href='".$article->url."'>".$article->title."</a></h4>"; $summary = substr($article->article, 0, 600); if(($pos = strrpos($summary, ".")) !== false) { $summary = substr($summary, 0, $pos); } echo "<img style='float:left; margin-right:20px;' src='".$article->article_image->url."' />"; echo "$summary ..."; echo "<div style='clear:both;'></div>"; echo "<div style='float:right;'><a class='project' href='".$article->url."'>Read More »</a></div>"; echo "<div style='clear:both;'></div><hr>"; } ?> <div class="clr"></div> </div> <div class="clr"></div> </div> </div> <div> <?php $pagination = $articles->renderPager(); echo $pagination; ?></div> If I take out the ("limit=4") and just do sorting, the sorting is correct. *also for some strange reason the article "Value Activation: a different business model" is not showing up at all - but that's a different issue. Any help would be appreciated.
  11. This is just one of those happy fan comments - there's no dedicated forum for those I started using PW a few months ago and have since used it in about 10 projects. I was just in the middle of a project and said out loud, "Man I love this Process Wire!" In my exuberation, I decided to just make a quick post to express my satisfaction. PROCESS WIRE rocks!!! Thank you Ryan and all those that contribute (Apesia, Soma, Kongondo, and the rest)
  12. I get it now, just need to setup my css to have the parent class also work like the current-menu-item class, duh
  13. Thanks Kongondo.. I already have the parent class => parent.. But not sure how to make that work for what I mentioned I'm trying to do. I wasn't aware of the support forum specific to MSN, but now I see it. Sorry to go against the grain, but I don't like the way that it works - it's just one thread with everything thrown into it. Would much rather see topics that address specific questions.
  14. Is there a way in MarkupSimpleNavigation to keep the parent active when on one of it's child pages so that the navigation menu still shows the Parent highlighted?
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