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  1. I have currently few internal webapps running on it with the same vhost config pattern... Anyway, I sent you my phpinfo() file for future ref.
  2. I've tried what you've said but still doesn't work. I just looked my a2 error log file and something goes wrong... When i ask for the website www.test.local it show me the site. When I ask for the admin site www.test.local/processwire he goes out of my vhost and instead of looking for /var/websites/www.test.local he try to reach /var/www/processwire wich, of course, doesn't even exist because processwire is installed under /var/websites/www.test.local...
  3. Just reinstalled it on an other server and this time just got this error msg after installation when i try to login: Unable to complete this request due to an error
  4. Hi, mod_rewrite is installed and running, my .htaccess is on the root of the site and active and I haven't created a folder named processwire. I just tried to reinstall it on a fresh vhost and it give me the same error... Kinda weird no?
  5. Hi, I just installed PW2 on a Ubuntu Server for testing purposing and seeing if I could use your CMS on some futures projects and after I installed it, I can't access the login zone. I installed it on a vhost and, for a reason I don't know, if I go on my website www.test.local/processwire, it show me the home page of the site... If I try www.test.local/processwire/login it give me a 404... My vhost is properly configured but I can't find why I can't reach the login zone.
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