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  1. AWESOME! That was fast. Thank you very much kongondo, adding to my bookmarks ASAP.
  2. Hello to all Processwire people, i'm from Spain, migrating from drupal to PW, looking for something less PHP memory heavy (yes, still there are servers with less than 32MB of PHP memory). And for now, quite happy with it, flexible, fast, friendly and fun. But one thing a did not found easily was a starting guide or something like that (till now, just discovered wiki.processwire.com), so my question is, ¿why there is no link to it in any of the main pages? and for a basic website tutorial? The videos are nice but they mostly show a couple of functions and characteristics. By no means i'm trying to rant, be picky, annoy or start a flame war; just the thought about newcomers like myself, looking into a new CMS and not finding a direct link to the wiki or basic tutorial. Best regards.
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