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  1. Thank you @Ivan Gretsky! Your ideas are what I was looking for. My goals are more for a user navigation perspective than SEO. Until now, this page can be reached only by modifying URL bar, but my clients do that apparently! (I do too sometimes). I think 2. is the best option for my case. Thank you again!
  2. I have made several websites with this kind of structure: home projects project1 project2 project3 In my cases, the home page lists all projects, so the home/projects/ page is a double of home’s function. What would be the best practice? create a list of projects specially for projects/ even if it does the same as home/ redirect projects/ to home/ (I found ProcessRedirects can’t do that as the page is already exists, but maybe I can force it with .htaccess?) something else? Thank you for your advice.
  3. Thank you! I “solved” the problem by adding a line to the .htaccess and hiding the 404 notifications on the notification module parameters.
  4. The page /in-use/ exists, but those URL feel like a collage of many data types of the website, complete nonsense, they obviously not exist on the server. However, I found that the error also mentions "amazonbot": Referer: unknown Useragent: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_10_1) AppleWebKit/600.2.5 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/8.0.2 Safari/600.2.5 (Amazonbot/0.1; +https://developer.amazon.com/support/amazonbot) IP: Page: Unknown User: guest The IP is also always different. And similar errors with Page: Unknown are being triggered almost every time without clear Page or Referrer. I have the feelings that bots are trying to reach pages that doesn’t exist. My PHP logs are ful of this kind of warnings. What should I do at this point ?
  5. Hello, every ~5 seconds I have a 404 warning notification that appears on the admin pages. It says: 404 occurred: /in-use/aaaaa-atelier.org/www.aaaaa-atelier.org/www.aaaaa-atelier.org/aaaaa-atelier.org/fiskprojects.com/aaaaa-atelier.org/aaaaa-atelier.org/aaaaa-atelier.org/fiskprojects.com/fiskprojects.com/www.aaaaa-atelier.org/www.aaaaa-atelier.org/stud 10 secs / expires 20 secs As you can see, the URL is very strange, and I have no idea how to solve this request (is it a request?). It lasts since months now and it is very overwhelming. I have `$config->debug = false;` Any help welcome.
  6. rooofl


    Hi all, This is our new website, still based on Processwire since 2015, we are very happy to be able to work with such a good piece of software. Thanks everyone for the support. https://velvetyne.fr You can read more about this new version here https://velvetyne.fr/news/new-website-v3/
  7. Same error for me, it ended up being a attempt to connect with http instead of https.
  8. Let me ask another question: could it be possible to log in JavaScript, the path of a file that just has been Ajax uploaded without saving the page? I tried that with no result: let uploadField = document.querySelector('#Inputfield_webfont_archive') uploadField.addEventListener("AjaxUploadDone", (e) => console.log(e));
  9. That solution works! Thank you!
  10. I think both works, and my issue is more about retrieving this value once the pages is saved and reloaded: $this->wire('log')->save('vtf_custom', $this->wire("config")->js('mySettings')['foo']); returns “bar” as expected, but there is still no trace of “mySettings” in the js object ProcessWire.config when I log it.
  11. I am trying to use $config->jsConfig(). A very basic module I crafted does that after a page is saved: $this->wire('config')->jsConfig('mySettings', [ 'foo' => 'bar', 'bar' => 123, ]); … and the same module has a JS file that tries to get those data back: (right now I am sticking to the doc’s exemple as you can see) var mySettings = ProcessWire.config.mySettings; console.log(mySettings.foo); console.log(mySettings.bar) But that last JS returns “mySettings is undefined”. That is where I need some help. More generally, Is this the best way to deal with php <—> JS data interchange, considering my goal is to fill a field with js generated content with a URL from an upload field as parameter: Upload field in page edit -> fileURL -> javascript doStuff(fileURL) -> fill a PW field with the result of javascript doStuff(fileURL)
  12. I tried using leading invisible characters or even visible ones, but trim() seams to transform 1 2 into 12 for the first line of the content.
  13. Yes, I just did that, adding noTrim to the FormBuilder field as well. But the issue still exists. My logs:
  14. Hi @Robin S and thank you for your hook, it appears to be exactly what I need. However, after some tests, the checkbox appears, the field is logged as noTrim = 1 with wire('log'), but the textarea content leading white spaces are still removed. Is there something else I should check? Currently, I have zero formatter and the content type is text. Field Object ( [id] => 160 [name] => ascii_drawing [label] => [flags] => [type] => FieldtypeTextarea Object ( [data] => Array ( [inputfieldClass] => InputfieldTextarea [contentType] => 0 [htmlOptions] => Array ( ) ) ) [data] => Array ( [inputfieldClass] => InputfieldTextarea [contentType] => 0 [collapsed] => 0 [minlength] => 0 [maxlength] => 0 [showCount] => 0 [rows] => 5 [noTrim] => 1 ) ) Edit: The field is use with the FormBuilder module, maybe the FormBuilder associated field also trims the content?
  15. I have a text field and I need its value to preserve all white spaces, especially the one ahead all text content. Is that possible? What I get when I <pre> the output: 1 2 3 What I need 1 2 3
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