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  1. Hello, I am new to PW and would like to achieve the following: when the user selects an item from a dropdown button, the site background color would change accordingly to the selected item. Can someone please give me a hint, or a minimal example? Regards, Tony
  2. Hi, I would like to install the Blog Profile by following steps: - download latest PW (devns.zip) - download Blog Profile zip - unpack PW and blog profile zips as instructed - start the web installer However I don't see the Blog Profile in the dropdown list of available profiles. I checked the permission of the blog profile carefully, it's the same as other profiles. Any hint please? thanks, Tony
  3. Hi Ryan, can you please list briefly the steps to update ZURB Foundation? For example what I have to do when I make some local changes and re-compile the scss file? thanks, Tony
  4. Hi, I have gone through the "Simple News System" tutorial on the wiki and have made a diagram to help myself to gain a better overview of the whole process. I would like to upload the diagram to the wiki but don't have an account. So here is the link: http://www.sendspace.com/file/tp7gkb Comments much welcome. Btw, how can I get an account for the wiki?
  5. Dear all, I started with PW a few weeks ago, and found myself in the same situation as the OP of this thread. The forum contains many useful information and advices, however it's just not easy to search for everything, especially when I don't have the big picture yet. There are simply too much information and one doesn't know where to start. I wonder if it makes sense to have a huge wiki page containing questions, divided into logical sessions. The answer for each question would be either a very brief sentence as a hint, or an URL to a relevant post in the forum or wiki. I can imagine myself finding this "map" useful, just like when I enter a huge mall for the first time and need some orientation before I start exploring. It could help the communication between new comers like me and the experts who are willing to help but are tired by the same trivial questions repeated all the time. For example, one question/answer could be: Q. I installed PQ and played a bit with the basic profile, now how I can make the next steps? A. Read thread http://processwire.com/talk/topic/3215-newbie-overwhelmed/, especially the answer by Ryan. Regards, Tony
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