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Everything posted by xmaverick56

  1. Thanks guys! It's working just like I had intended.
  2. I've set up a repeater field and it is working properly except that I don't know the proper syntax to get the images in the repeater field displayed. Here's what I've got so far: <? foreach($page->home_bullets as $bullet): ?> <div class="col group"> <div class="col first"><img src='{$image->url}' alt='{$image->description}'></div> <div class="col second"><span><?=$bullet->body ?></span></div> </div> <? endforeach; ?> I assume that somewhere I have to define what $images actually is (i.e. $home_bullets->images as $image) or something of the sort, but I have no idea where to do it. The repeater field only has two fields in it, images and body. Any help is greatly appreciated!
  3. Evidently I was. Thought I had checked that about a dozen times; sometimes you just need another set of eyes and a few days break. Thanks!
  4. So this is probably an incredibly simple thing to do, but humor me: I'm using the following to create the navigation for my site in the header.inc: <?php $root = $pages->get("/"); $children = $root->children(); $children->prepend($root); foreach($children as $child) { echo "<li><a href='{$child->url}'>{$child->title}</a></li>"; } ?> And it works just fine. My total noob hang-up is that I want the <li> markup to be <li class="col"> so that my CSS styles are applied to it. How do I make that happen? Thanks in advance!
  5. Hey everyone, I've found multiple threads about not being able to log in to the admin, but none seem (to me, a newbie) to be the same problem that I'm having. I am able to log in to /processwire and work perfectly from my main computer running Windows 7 without fail every time. But, when I try to log in with my computer that is running XP I sometimes get the log in screen, enter the credentials, wait a few seconds, and then get a message that the page could not be connected (not a page not found or anything, just "could not connect to that page"). And sometimes I can't even load the log in page (again, same "couldn't not connect" message). This happens with either Chrome or IE, but only on the XP computer. Any thoughts? Thanks!
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