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Everything posted by virgomania

  1. Hi Robin S, thanks for pointing me to the right direction - I think I will go with the 4th of your suggestions, since the different templates I have will be mostly seperate from each other and overspilling images/files with one another is likely not going to happen. I thank your for the example code that helps a lot. Many thanks ?
  2. Hi, I am new to processwire and was wondering, if one can define custom upload paths for File/ImageUploadFields based on fieldname and/or templatename - and how to do this. I know that the template provides the path to the assets folder (but based on its page id) - if I like to present the editor with a list of all uploaded files or images (based on field and/or template) how can I do this? (I like to use the Module InputfieldSelectImages but you either can only get certain images from pages or from a custom directory, thats where I am stuck). Can anyone help? Cheers, Christian
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