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  1. alevine's post in Confused with Selector queries was marked as the answer   
    Okay, here's something.
    If I move the query to my page, it's picking up the additional parameter to the query
    $myPics = $pages->find("template=myContent,premium=0");
    So, this tells me somewhere in the translation between defining the Hanna code, the field declaration, and invocation, only the first parameter (template=...) is being picked up, and everything after is being stripped. 
    The Hanna code is only receiving "template=myContent"
    If I change the field value to be sent in quotes:
    [[pages_query pagesQuery=template=myContent,premium=0]]
    Hanna is getting: :  template=myContent,=0
    Im sure it has something to do with using the Concat fieldtype doing value substitution.
    Thoughts on what I need to do to amend that?
    EDIT:  The selectors are fine.  I just need to modify the Concat module to not do value substitution and all is well.  Once I get my selector properly escaped, that is for including a $page reference in the query.
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