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  1. davo's post in Search with spaces was marked as the answer   
    got there in the end
    <?php /** * Search template * */ $out = ''; if($q = $sanitizer->selectorValue($input->get->q)) { // Send our sanitized query 'q' variable to the whitelist where it will be // picked up and echoed in the search box by the head.inc file. $input->whitelist('q', $q); // Search the title, body and country fields for our query text. // Limit the results to 50 pages. // Exclude results that use the 'admin' template. // load my directed search results table $q = htmlentities($q); $keywords = preg_split("/[\s-]+/", $q); $selector = ''; //turn the query to lowercase $q = strtolower($q); //load my list of specific search terms $dictionary_words = $pages->find("template=search_results"); //loop through them to see if the query matches the any of them foreach($dictionary_words as $word){ //if it matches create the selector if($word->title==$q){ $value = htmlentities($word->search_result); $selector = "id=" . $value . ", " ;} } //catch usa if ($q == "usa") { $selector = "parent=1065, "; } //if it didnt match up break the term up if($selector==""){ foreach($keywords as $kw){ $selector .= "Meta_keywords|DMCcontact_Country|DMCcontact_Address_2|DMC_Email~='$kw', "; } } $selector .= "template=dmc, limit=50"; // echo $selector; $matches = $pages->find($selector); // $matches = $pages->find("Meta_keywords|DMCcontact_Country|DMCcontact_Address_2|DMC_Email~=$q, template=dmc, limit=50"); $count = count($matches); if($count) { if(!$config->ajax){$out .= "<h2>Found $count DMC matching your query:</h2>";} $out.= "<ul class='nav'>"; foreach($matches as $m) { if($m->DMC_represented==1){$rep="<span class='glyphicon glyphicon-star-empty'></span>"; $out .= "<li data-toggle='tooltip' data-placement='top' title='{$m->title} is a partner DMC of destinations UNLIMITED. Click the link for their full profile'><p><a href='{$m->url}'>{$rep} Full Partner -   {$m->title} - Representing {$m->DMC_country_represented->title}</a></p></li>";}else{$rep=""; $out .= "<li data-toggle='tooltip' data-placement='top' title='{$m->title} are not represented by destinations UNLIMITED therefore a suggestion only' id='nonrep' ><p>{$m->title} - Representing {$m->DMC_country_represented->title} - {$m->DMC_Email} </a></p></li>";} } $out .= "</ul>"; } else { $out .= "<h2>Sorry, no results were found.</h2>"; } } else { $out .= " "; } // Note that we stored our output in $out before printing it because we wanted to execute // the search before including the header template. This is because the header template // displays the current search query in the search box (via the $input->whitelist) and // we wanted to make sure we had that setup before including the header template. if(!$config->ajax) include("./dmcheader.inc"); ?> <div class="container"> <div class"row"> <div class="col-md-6"> <?php if(!$config->ajax){ echo "<h2>Please enter a destination</h2>";} ?> <form id='my_search_form' action='<?php echo $config->urls->root?>dmc-search/' method='get'> <input type='text' name='q' id='my_search_query' class='form-control' value='<?php echo htmlentities($input->whitelist('q'), ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8'); ?>' /> <button type='submit' id='search_submit'>Search</button> </form> <?php echo "$out"; ?> </div> </div> </div> <script type="text/javascript"> $(document).ready(function(){ $("[data-toggle=tooltip]").tooltip({ placement: 'right'}); }); </script> <?php if(!$config->ajax) include("./dmcfooter.inc");
  2. davo's post in using a multi value form field to search page array was marked as the answer   
    OK, I think I got there in the end. I think it's still messy but I it does seem to work.
    For info of anyone that wants to do the same:
    $hours_flight = $input->get->hours_flight; // this comes from the slide $time_difference = $input->get->time_difference; // this comes from the other slider $specialism = $input->get->specialism; // this comes from a form builder using ASM select if($specialism){ $special_selector = ", DMCstats_Specialise_In="; foreach ($specialism as $special) { $special_selector = $special_selector . $special . "|"; } $special_selector = rtrim($special_selector, "|");}else{ $special_selector = "";} ?> $negative_time = $time_difference - ($time_difference * 2); // time difference uses a signed integer $matches = $pages->find("template=dmc, DMC_Average_Flying_Time_hours<=$hours_flight, DMC_Average_Flying_Time_hours!='', DMCstats_GMT<=$time_difference, DMCstats_GMT>=$negative_time $special_selector"); // im after all pages that are less than or equal to the flight time, less that time difference and greater than the negative time difference which renders me a page like this:
    ...plus there's something wrong with my divs, but that's for another day.
  3. davo's post in if user has role then do some styling was marked as the answer   
    Thanks anyway. Got there like this in the end..  think it works:)
    <table class="table table-striped"> <thead> <tr> <th>Visit Date</th> <th>User Roles</th> <th>User Name</th> <th>Page ID </th> <th>DMC Page</th> <th>Country</th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <?php $durole = "du"; // this is the role that I want highlighted in the rows $agentrole = "agent"; foreach($page->visit_log as $visit_log_item) { $username = $users->get($visit_log_item->user_id) ; $pagename = $pages->get($visit_log_item->page_id); if ($username->hasRole($durole)) { $row = "info"; } elseif ($username->hasRole($agentrole)) { $row = "danger" ;} // if the user has the durole which is called du the the table row should be success else info echo "<tr class='$row'>"; echo "<td>$visit_log_item->date</td>"; echo "<td>{$username->roles}</td>"; echo "<td>{$username->name}</td>"; echo "<td>$visit_log_item->page_id</td>"; echo "<td>{$pagename->name}</td>"; echo "<td>{$pagename->DMC_country_represented->name}</td>"; echo "</tr>"; $row = "active"; } ?> </tbody> </table>
  4. davo's post in Find editable pages for current user was marked as the answer   
    Got there in the end I think; like this:
    foreach ($myeditpages as $myeditpage) {
    if($myeditpage->editable()) { $page->editor .="<P><a class='editpage-inline' href='{$myeditpage->url}'>View {$myeditpage->title} </a></p>";}
  5. davo's post in ProcessGetVideoThumbs upgrade issue was marked as the answer   
    Thanks Soma
    I had a look in the /site/modules directory and removed the newly installed module.
    After that, the site started functioning again properly.
    I have a suspicion this is something to do with something that Adrian mentioned. He said that when i downloaded the module from git hub it added -master to the module name. When i used the autoupgrade service for the module it installed it without this suffix on.
    I didn't know about the debug mode so thanks.
    I'll move this topic back to the module forum for further advice on how to upgrade the module.
  6. davo's post in no results from post was marked as the answer   
    I forgot to name the field... oops.
    read on by...
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