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Posts posted by Jérôme

  1. Hi,

    I'm trying to install ProcessWire on my hosting provider "Free-h" (http://www.free-h.org) but there is a memcache error during installation process when I'm trying to validate the admin and email user (last install step ?)  :

    Error:     session_start(): Failed to initialize storage module: memcache
    (path: /var/www/vhosts/lecoindeladmin.com/abcdev/site/assets/sessions)
    (line 104 of

    The initial compatibility check is OK, everything is green. Here is the memcache configuration returned by phpinfo() :

    memcache support enabled

    Version 3.0.7

    Revision $Revision: 326387 $

    Directive                             Local Value     Master Value

    memcache.allow_failover               1               1

    memcache.chunk_size                   32768           32768

    memcache.compress_threshold           20000           20000

    memcache.default_port                 11211           11211

    memcache.hash_function                crc32           crc32

    memcache.hash_strategy                consistent      consistent

    memcache.lock_timeout                 15              15

    memcache.max_failover_attempts        20              20

    memcache.protocol                     ascii           ascii

    memcache.redundancy                   1               1

    memcache.session_redundancy           2               2

    Is someone have an idea in order to solve this problem ?


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