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  1. That fixed it Ryan...thanks very much. Just to help anyone else, what I did was I changed the 'default' Directory directive 'AllowOverride None' to All in httpd.conf, and this gave the 500 error when using a .htaccess with nonsense text at the top. I then reverted .htaccess, restarted Apache and voila, all links from the Home Page were working. As I said I'm running other CMSs as Virtual Hosts, so to keep this change local to ProcessWire I reset the httpd.conf 'AllowOverride All' back to None, and added 'AllowOverride All' to ProcessWire's httpd-vhosts.conf Directory section, and after restarting Apache, all's working fine. Once again, thanks for your help.
  2. Hi, I've just installed ProcessWire for the first time, and got to the Home Page, but all links beyond this, including the Admin page, give me a 404 error. My setup is a local install of W2K3 running Apache, which is using Virtual Hosts. Mousing over the Home Page links I can see that these're pointed correctly ie sitename/link-name. I'm not an Apache expert, but I've got another CMS running successfully from this setup, it's just ProcessWire giving me this problem at the moment. This looks to be a similar problem to slabbe's 'Login after installation' - http://processwire.com/talk/index.php?topic=38.0, but there's no clear resolution to this that I can see (though I've tried the .htaccess mods, to no effect). Any help with this would be greatly appreciated... ksea
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