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Everything posted by egecan

  1. It's a bit hard to work on existing translation files as long as there aren't any reference English translations available. I'm used to having a single language file for all the modules that come with the app. This makes it easy to take a diff whenever a core translation is added and add yours. (By the way, I'd be glad to provide a Turkish translation asap, if I ever find the reference English translations)
  2. May I ask if you have a roadmap or an estimate? I really like Processwire and I would feel much more comfortable to use it on larger-scale projects if I knew the project have important milestones in a reasonable time-frame. edit: do you also accept donations or have a commercial end that offers customization? that'd be great to know^^
  3. yeah, I meant that (too less coffee) =) I was thinking if there was a way to do this via modules but I'm afraid I don't even know where to start.
  4. I think it is important to be able to allow a user to create a post but disallow publishing it. What do you think?
  5. Thank you very much for the explanation. I actually like naming conventions in general and usually promote them but I simply didn't notice this one, or find any mention in the documentation. Is there some place that we can check for these naming conventions? Also, thanks for the tip about the ending "?>". I've actually put it there just because that I was worried that the code beautifier may fail. On a side-note, I'm new to ProcessWire but it already keeps amazing me. Awesome work.
  6. Hi, I created a basic plugin for including the body field from other pages with a special syntax. However, I can't find the module in the "Text Formatters" list. Can you help me identify what I did wrong? Thank you. <?php /** * ProcessWire Include Other Page Module */ class IncludeOther extends Textformatter { public static function getModuleInfo() { return array( 'title' => 'Include Other Page', 'version' => 100, 'summary' => "Includes Other Pages", ); } public static function content_from_id($matches) { $id = $matches[1]; return wire('pages')->get($id)->body; } public function format(&$str) { $str = preg_replace_callback("/\[\[([0-9]+)\]\]/", $this->content_from_id, $str); } } ?>
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