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  1. Hi all, I'm trying to figure out how to set the Admin theme for the login and reset password pages. I copied the AdminThemeUIKit, folder from core into site/templates/modules and renamed the module and my modifications work fine once you have logged in. The issue is that the login page and reset password pages still use the default theme under from core. Things I've tried Assigning this new theme against the guest role Updating $config->defaultAdminTheme in site/config.php Checking the box "Use this admin theme for login screen" All with no luck. Any suggestions? Thanks.
  2. I'm trying to filter pages based on the values of one or more of their descendant pages. Here's my tree Project 1 Tasks folder Task group 1 Task 1 (assigned_to_user=user1) Task 2 Project 2 Tasks folder Task group 1 Task 1 (assigned_to_user=user2) Task 2 I'm trying to find all "projects" where one of the descending "tasks" assigned_to_user field = user1 So in the example above only "Project1" should return because project 2 has no tasks assigned_to_user=user1 How can I do this as efficiently as possible considering there may be 100's of projects and several thousand tasks? I hope this makes sense! Thanks!
  3. This does not work. The selector compiles but does not return any matches.
  4. I had no idea you could reference parent and children in a selector! I'll give this a go, thanks.
  5. I can't find any documentation on the children('') selector. Where did you see it?
  6. Hi all, Been a while ? I'm trying to achieve two kinds of selectors. One to select pages based on a parents field value and one to select pages where all children match a condition. For example, I am hoping to do something like this: <? //I want pages of template type task where the PARENT page field "closed" = 0 $groups = $pages->find("template=task,parent-of-page.closed=0") ?> Finally, I would like to select pages where all children follow a condition <?php //I want pages of template type group where ALL of the pages children field called my_int_field = 0 $matches = $pages->find("template=group, children.my_int_field=0"); ?> Are these two scenarios currently possible without iterating over a simpler selector first? Thanks!
  7. RT @GarethSoye: Hmmmm https://t.co/InBpLKx4Qm

  8. RT @Totalbiscuit: Well, I don't know if there is really a right way to tell people this, so I guess here goes. The CT did not (cont) http:/…

  9. I was hoping to get some ideas on how to implement "interactive elements" within CKEditor fields. For example, one of the requests is to be able to embed a clickable button/image that brings up a Lightbox and shows some sort of content. Bearing in mind the majority of users editing the CKEditor fields are not at all tech savvy and barely understand what HTML is. I know about and have used Hanna code before to solve this issue but I was wondering how else you could accomplish this sort of task? How have you overcome these sorts of issues before?
  10. HSBC files show how Swiss bank helped clients dodge taxes and hide millions http://t.co/ILTlPbyK9q

  11. Hello all, Is it at all possible to use the new InputFieldIcon field in my own templates? I don't see the option to select it when creating a new field. Thanks,
  12. The version was 2.3.0, I don't know if it affects newer versions. This has most certainly affected other projects because I remember asking questions and being told has_parent was the answer, but no matter what I did, has_parent just wouldn't work. That project was using a lot of cloned pages, too.. I won't be using Page cloning any more as a safety pre-caution until we can get verification!
  13. A client made the pages, so I can't be 100% certain but they do like using their page-clone tools so it is highly likely it has something to do with it.
  14. Wow, that worked. What causes this? Is there any way to prevent it / workaround?
  15. Also worth noting that the following does not work either: $p = $pages->get(1080) // returns the page I wanted $r = $p->find("") //returns empty.. //as does $r = $p->find("id>0") //also returns empty however $p->children //DOES return a page array This DOES work on other pages that has children. Whaaa
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