My name is Kris and I'm a weekend website builder. At the moment I'm developing a multilingual website (English and Japanese) for a Taiko Drumming group that I'm also a member of. For the multilingual part I'm using the multilingual fields together with the language-gateway.php page as described in Example 3 from this link. The multilingual part works fine on pages without pagination. First code for all my templates is:
if($user->language->name != 'default') $segment = "/".$user->language->name;
else $segment = '';
A language switcher url is constructed as follows:
This setup works fine for all non-paginated pages.
I included my language segment variable in the baseUrl for pagination as follows:
$results= $page->children("event_start>=$today[0],limit=2,sort=event_start");
$pagination = $results->renderPager(array(
This generates working links for the default language and for the first page of the non-default language.
Working links:
somedomainname.com/events/ --> This is the first page of the English language events page
somedomainname.com/events/page2 --> This is the second page of the English language events page
somedomainname.com/ja/events/ --> This is the first page of the Japanese language events page
Problem link:
somedomainname.com/ja/events/page2 --> This is the second page of the Japanese language events pageAny idea how I can work around this?
Loving ProcessWire so far and hope we can find a solution for this problem.
edit: Might have posted this in the wrong subforum. Sorry for that.