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Everything posted by roy

  1. @martijn; I tried to tell that they didn't install any security updates ;-)
  2. I've been using serverpilot with several droplets (VPS) of digital ocean (DO) for six months and the experience with both and the support they offer is very positive. My former "managed" VPS provider apparently didn't update my lamp installations in the 2 years that they have "managed" them. Serverpilot installs and updates an "optimized/secured" lamp/nginx stack. If you're a small company and are not handling sensitive data this is a good solution in my opinion. ---------- Some of the other options I've looked at: Turnkey linux and cloudways. Turnkey linux has a good/friendly team and community and has an auto-update option. Cloudways hosts on digital ocean, google, amazon. If you're not happy with their services you have to migrate to a new hosting provider. I don't trust the company as they're were not working from Malta (Pakistan) as stated on the website and they keep sending me spam messges. ---------- If you want to make use of the paid plan of serverpilot (simple https setup and stats/logs or premium support) I would recommend to create a different account for each of your DO droplets. That way you're flexible in selecting an upgrade for a single server. If you're not happy with serverpilot you can keep working with your current installation and don't have to migrate to another environment. Serverpilot also offers a wordpress install option which makes it very easy if you want to use wordpress. But the installation of processwire is a very simple process ;-)
  3. I'm looking for a professional PW /PHP developer for PW site and module development. The first project is a price comparison module that can be used in several websites. If you're also a good designer that's an advantage, but not a necessity. You have to be proficient in: - HTML, CSS, jQuery, PHP, databases - Dutch, German or English Please send me a PM with your experience, rate and contact details. kind regards, Roy
  4. Hi Soma, I made a screenshot yesterday: http://imgur.com/rRzTZu4 I have this issue with the download option/file on: http://processwire.com/download/ file: https://github.com/ryancramerdesign/ProcessWire/zipball/master The file on the homepage doesn't have this problem.
  5. When unzipping 2.2.9.final there is a password request for several files
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