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  1. Hello, i have develloped a processwire 2.3.0 website locally on an ubuntu webserver with php5.3. After develloping i have uploaded the page via FTP to a 1&1 webspace. I experience the following behaviour: - the frontend looks good, all links work, everything seems to work - i am not able to login into the backend with my admin user anymore - i have tried to reset the password via api and it doesn't help. - enabling the debug mode shows no additional information interesting is: the system seems to recognize the right combination of user and password and shows again the login page asif nothing has happened. If i enter a wrong combination, the wrong combination wil be recognized and an error will be shown. I have tried to do a fresh install to check the prerequisites. One error is shown: the .htaccess/mod_rewirte is not recognized - in the frontend mod_rewrite works. I'm thankful for any hint or information. Regards, Thomas
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