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Everything posted by boblibob

  1. Another project I built with @FreeCodeCamp: https://t.co/Ch6sLmugeJ #LearnToCode #JavaScript #twitchtv

  2. “When you are not practicing, remember, someone somewhere is practicing, and when you meet him he will win.” http://t.co/gwRKfiu6cD

  3. RT @Active_Minds: When "i" is replaced with "we" even illness becomes wellness :)

  4. Thank you a lot Ryan. I get it now. I was aware about the repeater but I did not like the idea of uploading bunch of images one by one. If I am not wrong thats what's going to happen, however I did not try it yet. Anyway I will find out tomorrow, it seems that I don't have any other choice. Thank you for including this feature for the future updates. Sorry for bothering you with silly questions at first time.
  5. Greetings Everyone! Hope it's ok to post in an old thread. I need the image description translation very much. I was reading through the PHP internationalization page. In the last section it provides an example of how it is possible to translate dynamic strings... $title = __($title, '/wire/templates-admin/default.php'); to translate the same field in many languages(Thats what I understood, correct me if I am wrong). So I tried to do something like this... // site/templates/album.php <?php $album_title = $page->title; echo '<h1>'. __($album_title) .'</h1>'; $images = $page->images; foreach($images as $image){ $description = $image->description; $img_title = $image->name; echo '<div class="block"><a href="'. $image->url . '">'. '<img src="' . $image->width(190)->url . '" />'; echo '<h3>' . __($img_title) . '</h3>'.'<p>'; echo __($description); echo '</p></a></div>'; } and tried to add album.php to translate in admin > setup > language > ru (that should create the json file to store the translations in there...). But the admin panel says that "That file has no translatable phrases". I guess I misunderstood about passing a dynamic string to the __() function. So there goes the questions. 1. Is this possible to achieve? 2. Whats wrong with my approach? 3. What is the right way and right scenarios allow me to pass a dynamic string to the __() function? Please Help
  6. Надо наказывать непослушных... http://t.co/SWaEQbH0

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