First of all, Hi to everyone! (and sorry for my english)
After the install (i have no problems), I'm trying to go to the admin page (on default value), but get a 404 error.
In this point, I'm start looking for find some solution in this forum, but nothing's gone work, and the interesting thing is the home page, it's not a "404" but just a "Basic Example Site"
So I try these thing:
- edit the .htacces file
the nonsense string give me a "500" on the admin page, and nothing change on the home page
the unmarked "RewriteBase /" - nothing
but because I installed in a localhost/sub-directory trying to add the path "RewriteBase /!!/_pwire/ _here it is_"
and the "... /var/www/!!/_pwire/ _here it is_"- nothing happend again
- the apache settings, it's littlebit tricky in Ubuntu, because the "httpd.conf" is the "apache2.conf" (it's inckude the httpd),
but the "AllowOverride none/all" is in the "/etc/apache2/sites-available/default" file - nothing
- the "mod_rewrite" also checked, but it's enabled - nothing
- PHP is 5.4.13, Apache 2.2.14,
Can anyone help me? Any idea/clue/face-palm? o.O
I'm glad to find this CMS, it loooks great!! but yet I can't try it on my localhost :/