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Community Answers

  1. I've changed the type to Date and back to DateTime and now is working as it should. Thanks, hope I can help you in the future.
  2. Same result with time() 2018-05-31 00:00
  3. I got a field called entrega and defined as DateTime (Profields Table) with the following parameters dateInputFormat=Y-m-d timeInputFormat=H:i dateOutputFormat=Y-m-d timeOutputFormat=H:i datepicker=3 defaultToday=0 yearRange=-10:+10 placeholder= textformatters=TextformatterEntities default= when I try to save same data with $newRow->entrega = date("Y-m-d H:i"); I get 2018-05-30 00:00 if I do echo date("Y-m-d H:i"); I get the right date and time. Thanks.
  4. Manol

    hide field

    Is a form with several fields that is populated via vuejs, and just need a submit button to show up.
  5. I'm trying to hide an inputfield but label still appears: $field = $modules->get("InputfieldText"); $field->attr('id+name','name'); $field->attr('v-model','usuario'); $field->attr('style','display: none'); $field->required = 1; $form->append($field);
  6. Is any way to get the value of a field (Runtimemarkup) from a template : $out .= strtoupper(dechex(strtotime(date("Y-m-d H:i:s", $page->created)))); return $out; I'm getting the following error: Field 'code_codigo' is runtime and not queryable
  7. I created a new field and you're right it works, I'll check it thoroughly, many thanks.
  8. Thanks flydev, is not the case, but give this module a try it opens up a new world.
  9. Using Runtimemarkup I've tried to change the title of the page and it works $page->set('title', 'New title'); $page->save(); return ""; but when I try to change an inputfield of type text it doesn't $page->my_field = '22223333'; // $page->my_field->attr('value', '22223333'); neither works $page->save(); return ""; any advice, thanks.
  10. I've tried to change the title of the page and it works $page->set('title', 'New title'); $page->save(); return ""; but when I try to change an inputfield of type text it doesn't $page->my_field = '22223333'; // $page->my_field->attr('value', '22223333'); neither works $page->save(); return ""; any advice, thanks.
  11. It gives the following error: Error: Uncaught Error: Call to a member function save() on array in /......php:180 Stack trace: #0 /wire/core/TemplateFile.php(287): require() #1 //wire/core/Wire.php(380): ProcessWire\TemplateFile->___render() #2 /wire/core/WireHooks.php(723): ProcessWire\Wire->_callMethod('___render', Array) #3 //wire/core/Wire.php(442): ProcessWire\WireHooks->runHooks(Object(ProcessWire\TemplateFile), 'render', Array) #4 //wire/modules/PageRender.module(514): ProcessWire\Wire->__call('render', Array) #5 //wire/core/Wire.php(383): ProcessWire\PageRender->___renderPage(Object(ProcessWire\HookEvent)) #6 //wire/core/WireHooks.php(723): ProcessWire\Wire->_callMethod('___renderPage', Array) #7 //wire/core/Wire.php(442): ProcessWire\WireHoo (línea 180 de ....n.php)
  12. Hello. I've a protable with fields: name(text) notes(textarea) How can I add a new row and populate the fields?. $test = $page->protabla->getNew(); $test->name = 'my name'; $test->notes = 'my note'; $test->save(); Thanks
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