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  1. ok, thank you. I'll try to check this.
  2. sorry. first: yes, it's the same person second: logged in user can't get the content that it should have access to. i don't think it's a problem with the module, in postman everything works finde. the session consists. But the react app seems to do here something diffrent.
  3. thanks for the fast reply. i don't really have acces to the client apps code, just see my logs from graphql template. So the app makes a few queries as guest, then a login, then further queries. All queries done before the login, are further logged as guest with the old session id. All queries that havent been executed before login, are logged for the logged-in user with another session_id. So the app now has 2 clients. When quering access restricted contents it comes to problems. So, do i have a possibility on the serverside to prevent this?
  4. hi dadish. i have some content queries that get executed as guest, later comes a login query. after that, the previous content queries further get executed as guest (with the old session id), where eg. the me query gives me the correct user data. so the guest session remains in place for all queries executed before login. What is the beste way to prevent this? thanks martin
  5. mhm, thanks for the reply, had suspected that I would have to do it this way.
  6. hi dadish, first of all thank you for this great module, very imposing. I saw the specs, the problem here is, that i have this values and have to provide it over the api for an upcoming expansion step. Isn't it possible to add such fields with a getQueryFields hook instead the modules field configuration? How do you handle such cases for existing sites and data? thank you and best wishes! martin
  7. What is the best way to avoid naming conflicts when querying Option-Select Field with values starting with numbers, which breaks the Schema. This occures when adding the (options) field in the module config screen for fields to serve.
  8. i also see this underscore/uppercase caused 301 redirect behavior for my urlsegment based ajax requests after ugrading from 3.0.171 to 3.0.210
  9. i also see this 301 redirect behavior for my ajax requests after ugrading from 3.0.171 to 3.0.210 ... move to this thread:
  10. Robin, you're my hero. this works definitely out of the box. thank you.
  11. thank you. the problem i see is, that $origFld = $wrap->get('parent_id'); is NULL. parent_id doesn't seem to be in $event->return maybe this has to do with my module the hook lives in? public function ready() { $this->addHookAfter('ProcessPageEdit::buildFormContent', $this, 'hookAfter_ProcessPageEdit_buildFormContent'); .... public function hookAfter_ProcessPageEdit_buildFormContent($event) { $p = $event->object->getPage(); $form = $event->return; .... $origFld = $form->get('parent_id'); // and here the NULL
  12. hi, is it possible to change field parent_id from InputfieldPageListSelect to InputfieldPageAutocomplet by addHookAfter('ProcessPageEdit::buildFormContent')? thanks, martin
  13. thank you both. neither check_access=0 nor include_all=1 works here (even in the field settings, the access-toggle for api usage is set true for both, content_blocks repeater and downloads) . instead i got it working (for both, suberadmin and guest) by doing it like that (similar to Cengiz' solution from the post below): wire('pages')->find("template=basic-page, content_blocks=content_blocks.downloads.tags!='', check_access=0"); maybe this has some impact on further usage of the including function, but for this case it works. Any tips are welcome for a more certain syntax.
  14. hello, i try to use a subfield-selector to find pages with tagged files (downloads) inside a repeater (content_blocks): wire('pages')->find("template=basic-page, content_blocks.downloads.tags!=''"); now, this works as expected when i'm loggedin as superuser, but not as guest. it behaves like no subfield-selector than .count is possible for loggedOut users. any idea what the problem is? ProcessWire 3.0.123 PHP Version 7.0.32 thanks, martin
  15. thanks adrian, works perfect now also with pagination, even the ignore-first-row feature is working, which wasn't possible too, to get working by module-settings in version 2.0.5 great module, thank you! martin
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