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Everything posted by fredthered83

  1. Hi Everyone, I am new to PW and I am still trying to figure out if it is the solution I need for a specific site Im working on. My situation is I have made a website for a company which they need to be able to Content Manage. What I need PW for is to create the user a back end to log into which will display all their current projects with images and allow them to view/insert/edit/update and delete them (multiple image upload required). Each of these projects/records will have a Title, Short description, Full description and 4 images. I don't need to confuse the client with any other options such as creating templates or pages etc.. They just need to edit the projects and then view them live on the site. Is it possible to do this in PW? I have installed PW on my web server already and had a play around with the basic site but cannot see how to display and edit records from the DB. Any advice you can give as to whether Im barking up the wrong tree with PW or any links to tutorials which may cover my situation. Any tutorials I have seen so far don't cover editing records just editing page content.. Thanks in advance for any help
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