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Everything posted by patzer

  1. Ahhhh! This is my confusion. Looks like I may not need a repeater field at all, as the image field is an array by default. (May keep it so I can add accompanying text, though. This is for a carousel.) Let me go experiment with the understanding that the image field is an array. Edit: And, it worked! Man I was tearing my hair out about this.
  2. Sorry, I should have specified that $header_imgs is a repeater. It has only one field at the moment, which is $header_img, an image type. I'm still unclear as to why I get the base path of the image rather than the full image URL. From your example above, is <?php // get image $img = $pages->get(1)->header_img; // output image url echo $img->url; different from echo $pages->get(1)->header_img->url; ? I've gotten around this before by appending $file->name; but this shouldn't be necessary? Thanks!
  3. Hi. I've tried this a couple of different ways, but whenever I call $img->url like so: <?php $img = $pages->get(1)->header_imgs->pop()->header_img ?> <img src="<?= $img->url ?>" alt="<?= $img->description ?>"> I get output like this: <img src="/site/assets/files/1035/" alt=""> No file name. Any tips??
  4. Great! Works perfectly. How can I easily find the page_ID of any page? (1 is obvious, but maybe not the others?)
  5. Can I pull data from a field on a different page? If so, how? Thanks!
  6. Homebrew is just so much better than MacPorts or any of the other prior attempts at package management. It works really well. Fast, light, no sudo privileges needed. I use it with the Apple command line compiler, so no need for Xcode on my SSD. http://mxcl.github.io/homebrew/
  7. A big +1 for using meaningful tags. I'm importing ProcessWire into a project as a git submodule, and those work by referencing a specific commit (or, better yet, tagged commit). Thanks!
  8. I've been using the submodule method all day and it seems to work well. I made a soft symlink from /wire to /ProcessWire/wire. I did have to add an .htaccess file into the /ProcessWire directory like so: Order deny,allow Deny from all Otherwise you could browse to the ProcessWire directory and start the install process in the sub-directory.
  9. Hi all, I'm tickled with my new local dev setup, and I thought I'd share in case anyone else wants to try it out or offer suggestions for improvements. Prerequisites: I'm using a Mac running OS X Mountain Lion. 1. Install Homebrew 2. MAMP + dnsmasq (http://eddmann.com/posts/the-ultimate-mamp-setup-hands-down/ and http://www.echoditto.com/blog/never-touch-your-local-etchosts-file-os-x-again)* * There is currently a typo in the first link's instructions. You need to use address=/.dev/ in /usr/local/etc/dnsmasq.conf (note the dot in .dev for TLD). I add Homebrew's PHP to /etc/apache2/httpd.conf like so: LoadModule php5_module /usr/local/opt/php54/libexec/apache2/libphp5.so Then issue a sudo apachectl restart. The first time I hit a new site locally, I need to type the full http://mysite.dev to stop Safari, e.g., from searching Google rather than navigating to the URL. After that it remembers and all is well. 3. Install git vie homebrew and configure; create repos on BitBucket for remote storage. Use git submodules (planned) for ProcessWire and other components, like Bootstrap. I make a "live" branch that I can pull to the server when I'm ready, and other branches as needed. I'm shuffling local tools at the moment, but using TextMate 2 as a primary editor and thinking of CodeKit for browser refresh and LESS/Sass compilation. Wish CSSEdit hadn't been killed as a stand alone product instead of being wrapped into Espresso. On the browsers I'm using a mix of FireFox with Firebug and FireSass, Google Chrome with dev tools, and Safari. I think that's it, so far! EDIT: I did need to uncomment the RewriteBase / option in .htaccess
  10. On further investigation, I think git submodules is the right way to go. http://git-scm.com/book/en/Git-Tools-Submodules I've not tried this yet, but am going to for my next project.
  11. (I should add that I'm using the dev branch of ProcessWire from GitHub.)
  12. Looks like lots of interesting improvements to internationalization in the works. I'm currently building a site in English and Spanish. Each page is in both languages. What's the current recommended approach to tackle this?
  13. I'm going to try using a new branch. Here's the discussion on StackOverflow: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/15500144/use-gitignore-on-a-per-remote-basis
  14. Hi folks, I downloaded PW from its git repo on GitHub. I set up a private repo at Bitbucket to check in and store my local changes. Problem is, .gitignore (from PW's master repo) tells git to ignore site/ (which makes sense for the core application), but that's what I want to track and push to my private repo. I'd like to keep the PW core in git so I can pull updates from GitHub. Anyone have a solution to this? Thanks!
  15. Awesome. I was wondering about that!
  16. Thanks! Here's what I came up with while waiting. Not as succinct, but seems to work. <h4><?=$page->parent->title?> Navigation</h4> <ul class="nav nav-pills nav-stacked"> <?php foreach($page->siblings() as $sibling) { if($sibling === wire("page")){ $class = 'active'; } else { $class = ''; } echo "<li class='{$class}'><a href='{$sibling->url}'>{$sibling->title}</a></li>"; } ?> </ul> I like the way you used the ternary operator. I'm going to steal that and trim down my code. Thanks!
  17. Hi folks! PW newb here. I'm trying to make a sidebar menu of sibling pages when I'm in a subsection. So, HTML like: <ul class="nav nav-pills nav-stacked"> <li class="active"><a href='/page1'>This page title</a></li> <li><a href='#'>/page2</a>Page 2 title</li> <li><a href='#'>/page3</a>Page 3 title</li> </ul> I gather I can grab a $page->siblings object and iterate through? Can someone give me an example? Also, how best to test for the current page to make it active? Thank you!
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