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Michael Murphy

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Everything posted by Michael Murphy

  1. I and another developer friend have also struggled with this problem on a few sites with different hosting companies. There was a previous post about issues with umlauts and dates but I never found a workable solution. It is either a bug with Processwire or an issue with the hosting company and how they have configured the server (from what I remember, it does not seem to happen in local development). My hack around it was to create a little function that checked for March and assigned it the correct März - something like this : $monthNumber = strftime("%m", $child->getUnformatted("dates")); if($monthNumber == 3){ $monthName = 'März'; } else { $monthName = strftime("%B", $child->getUnformatted("dates")); }
  2. Inspired by @apesia recent post about a meetup in Finland, I thought I would try and reignite this thread and set a date for some sort of PW meetup in Switzerland. No need to call it a conference, just a very casual meetup to talk about experiences with Processwire and ideas for the future. We only need a few people - it could just be me and @soma. In fact the whole reason I wanted to have a meetup is to actually meet the real person behind that alien avatar so I can dispel my suspicions that he is not just an alter ego of Ryan. Open to having micro talks if anyone is interested - possible topics could be about best practices or case studies of projects you have worked on. Have a few possibilities for locations to host the meetup in Basel. Also open to meeting in other cities nearby like Bern or Zurich depedning on the amount of people and interest. Have setup a Doodle to get an idea of possible dates - thinking sometime in March (not during the Basel Fasnacht carnival!). Please vote on the Doodle if any of these dates work : http://doodle.com/sgvy6kxavs5t2agw
  3. Sorry Soma, I remember the thread - I even subscribed to it. You are right, lets continue on that thread as there will be people who may have subscribed to it for updates. You can close or lock this one. This conversation will continue shortly over here -> http://processwire.com/talk/topic/2577-processwire-conference-switzerland-central-europe/
  4. I can't make the Finland meetup, but thanks for the inspiration I am going to try and do the same in Switzerland - maybe we can do a live link up if we get the same dates
  5. Inspired by apesia recent post about a meetup in Finland, I thought I would see if there is any interest in having a PW meetup in Switzerland. This will just be a casual meetup to talk about experiences with Processwire and ideas for the future. Open to having micro talks if anyone is interested - possible topics could be about best practices or case studies of projects you have worked on. Have a few possibilities for locations to meet in Basel depending on the amount of people interested. Also open to moving to other cities nearby like Bern or Zurich if there is demand. Have setup a Doodle to get an idea of possible dates - thinking sometime in March (not during the Basel Fasnacht carnival!). Please vote on the Doodle if any of these dates work : http://doodle.com/sgvy6kxavs5t2agw Please leave a comment or send me a personal message if you have ideas or suggestions.
  6. Welcome Hari! Not sure if this is what you want, but you can access the server variables like in normal PHP. $request_method = $_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD']; echo $request_method; Or to go through all of the server variables $server_vars = $_SERVER; foreach ($server_vars as $var) { echo $var; } Otherwise maybe look at some of the options available via the "system configuration" method $config-> http://cheatsheet.processwire.com/
  7. as described in the Github issue by Soma, I changed $this->process to $this->___process in the ProcessPageClone.module and now it works. Thanks again Soma!
  8. thanks Soma that must be it. My server is on PHP Version 5.2.9
  9. Does the "Page Clone" module work with multi-language page names? I just installed page clone module - when trying to copy a page it just gets stuck at the "This will make a copy of…" screen. Clicking submit just reloads the page - no error messages in logs or console. and no pages are copied. Using latest dev version.
  10. maybe you are missing the opening script tag? I can see </script> but not <script> - try adding this after the div class=span4
  11. thanks Willy, that is a much better language switcher solution!
  12. While this module is being discussed again, has anyone managed to get it to load a default location when first opened (before doing a search). Currently when you first open the field you see a gray empty map until you do a search. I would like to it to load to a default zoom level and location. For example I am just adding locations in Basel, so I want it to already show Basel, and then the user can just drag and drop the pin to the correct location (without having to do a search). Would be a nicer user experience.
  13. Hi Basil, The module will only output the map data - like the street address and lon / lat values. You will need to add the javascript map code in your template. It's not so hard with google maps - you can read more about how to do this in an earlier post : http://processwire.com/talk/topic/690-map-marker-fieldtype/page-3#entry31486
  14. Finally had a chance to test this new functionality and have been really impressed. For those wanting to try, here are the steps that I went though using the default site profile. In the following examples I am adding two languages English and German where the pages will be viewable with the language code preceding the url like /en/ and /de/ 1.Install the latest development version - here is the zip download - https://github.com/ryancramerdesign/ProcessWire/archive/dev.zip 2. Install these 3 modules - Languages Support - Languages Support - Fields - Languages Support - Page Names 3. Add a new language via the Languages setup page - I think naming here is only relevant for your code and does not affect the URL of the page 4. Open up the home page and look at Settings tab - the name (url) field should now have a field for each language you have added. Add an indicator for each language like /en and /de English /en/ Deutsch /de/ This acts as a language gateway for changing the language. Now when ever you visit the site via /de it will set the users language to German and all the pages in the site will display the correct German language url. note: I have not worked out how to redirect the default language (which is English) to /en - it always goes to the site root / 4. Add a simple language navigation switcher. This will allow users to switch the current page into the other language. Edit : Refer to WillyC and Ryans language switcher further down - http://processwire.com/talk/topic/2979-multi-language-page-names-urls/page-3#entry33537 echo '<ul>'; $lang = $user->language; $langname = $lang->name == 'default' ? 'en' : $lang->name; $user->language = $languages->get('default'); $cssClass = $langname == 'en' ? 'class="active"' : ''; echo '<li '.$cssClass.'><a href="'.$page->url.'">EN</a></li>'; $user->language = $languages->get('de'); $cssClass = $langname == 'de' ? 'class="active"' : ''; echo '<li '.$cssClass.'><a href="'.$page->url.'">DE</a></li>'; $user->language = $lang; echo '</ul>'; I think that is pretty much it. All other PW development procedes as normal. I also just switched over from the LanguageLocalizedURL module on one site - it was actually pretty easy to do - just uninstalled the module and went through the steps above - thanks soma and mcmorry for the original module - it was very useful at the time, but will be moving over this mainly so I can start using the ProCache module. I have tested the new language fields with ProCache and it also works great! Super fast, one tree multilingual sites, with the same ease as developing a regular processwire site - this is so cool!
  15. Thanks Ryan and Antti! To get the source option working with inline mode you need to download the new plugin http://ckeditor.com/addon/sourcedialog and then include it in the extra plugins - sourcedialog and then in the toolbar layout - Sourcedialog.
  16. I have to admit a static site generator is something I would also be interested in. I have used similar plugins for other systems (wordpress, modx etc) and found it useful in various situations. I often use processwire for prototyping an idea on my local machine, and being able to quickly share that with clients or team members to get feedback requires copying the db and code over to the server (not a massive task but still takes time and effort). Having a one click export to folder or zip file for sharing would be a huge time saver. If you set that up with a dropbox folder and a service like site44 (http://www.site44.com/), you could have a pretty neat publishing workflow. Instant one click publishing - just like FrontPage 98! Another interesting use case, if you made the static site generator flexible enough, would be to use it for exporting to epub, pdf and mobi formats - a kind of ebook export module. This would fit in nicely with an idea I have been thinking about - a simple book publishing platform with PW - something similar to the booktype project by sourcefabric ( http://www.sourcefabric.org/en/booktype/ ) or the Leanpub site ( https://leanpub.com/ ), which could be used for writing books or documentation. Also, similar to httprack application suggested by teppo, If you are on a mac and want to create local copy of a website, site sucker is very good (and free) http://sitesucker.us
  17. I think this will become my default rich text editor for projects especially with the inline mode. I have always preferred CKeditor over TinMCE in previous projects as I found that the quality of the HTML was usually better, especially when copy and pasting from other applications. However I did notice that in this version of CKeditor, the default formatting from pasted content was not so perfect so I added forcePasteAsPlainText to the config config.forcePasteAsPlainText = true; I really like the inline mode - it makes the PW interface so much less noisy, especially when you have more than a few rich text areas on a page. I noticed that there was no code editing possible with inline mode, but this has been fixed in 4.1 - http://ckeditor.com/addon/sourcedialog
  18. Thanks Ryan, this is a huge feature. Being able to do full multilingual sites, without the need for multiple trees and all from the core installation - this makes what was already a great multilingual solution, almost perfect. Looking forward to testing! Could you elaborate on the situations where you think it would not be appropriate to use this new feature? I can't think of any. How will this work with selectors? Can you use either language urls to get the same page? or will there be one definite url that you have to use in a selector? I am also wondering how would this work with categories - if for example I am using a Page field for categories, and do the category filtering via the url segment, could I do for example page-name-en/category-AA-en and then page-name-de/category-AA-de to get the same result?
  19. I would happily pay a lot of money for a comercial module that solves this problem. I am sure a lot of other freelancers and agencies would too, once the benefits of the process are clearly explained. Maybe you could also combine it with a good backup solution - "painless deployment and backups - save time and headaches when developing and iterating rapidly changing client projects"
  20. thanks for the suggestion - writing März works fine, and PW handles umlauts fine in the same template and all other areas of the site, so I don't think it's a UTF-8 encoding issue. This is only happening when using PHP dates and strftime. It does not happen locally on MAMP, so it's probably more of an obscure issue with the cheap and poorly configured shared hosting that all my clients seem to love. My fall back solution is to create an array with the month names and output them.
  21. Having another German date issue. Using the latest development branch of PW. The problem : Dates with umlauts or special characters are not outputting correctly - so März looks like M?rz Here is my test case - I have added this in a separate php file outside of PW on the same server and it works correctly setlocale(LC_ALL, array('de_DE','de_DE.iso88591','de_DE.iso885915@euro','de_DE.utf8','de_DE@euro')); $date[0] = mktime( 1, 0, 0, 3, 2, 2012 ); $date_day_month = strftime('%d. %B', $date[0]); $date_year = strftime('%Y', $date[0]); echo $date_day_month . $date_year; Result on test php page = 02. März2012 Result on PW page = 02. M?rz2012 What did I try I first tried the simplest way by setting locale in the site/config.php - this does work on my local MAMP server, but i have now tried the same config setting on three different shared web hosts (all based in Switzerland incidentally) but it has no affect. Tried the following combinations but it has no affect on the date output format (always in English): setlocale(LC_ALL, 'de_DE'); setlocale(LC_ALL, 'de_DE.utf8'); setlocale(LC_ALL, array('de_DE','de_DE.iso88591','de_DE.iso885915@euro','de_DE.utf8','de_DE@euro')); I then tried installing the language support and adding the correct language pack - this changes the language output, but still an issues with the umlaut. In the wire--modules--languagesupport--languagesupport-module - “Value to pass to PHP's setlocale(LC_ALL, 'value') function when initializing this language” I have tried all the following with no success array('de_DE','de_DE.iso88591','de_DE.iso885915@euro','de_DE.utf8','de_DE@euro') de_DE.utf8 de_DE Any ideas?
  22. Hello lenoir! Someone just asked a similar question today. Apparently it's fixed in the latest development version : Nice theme by the way
  23. I think there is something wrong with the permission settings (or maybe I have misunderstood how they work). I am testing the Blog profile on a fresh install 2.2.9 If I add a new user with the "author" role, and then log in with that user - they see nothing. All the templates with access permissions, have the "author" role set to view only, and all the other options (edit, create, add) are disabled (basically just like the guest role). You then have to manually adjust the 6 templates (home, category, categories, tags, post, widgets) to allow for author editing. Am I missing something?
  24. This has always been one of my biggest issues with using a CMS - the whole deployment process and integrating updates from development - it always seems so dirty. If you can solve this problem it would be a massive help to myself and many other developers. I am usually only interested in migrating template field changes so I've always thought that flat file configurations would be the simplest way to manage this. But I understand that any sort of database model changes will always be difficult to manage. I am guessing the final solution will probably have to involve some sort of backup incase something goes wrong - maybe you could use something like capistrano (http://capistranorb.com/). I've used capifony previously and it's a nice solution to just type one command line to deploy updates.
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