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About nurtsio

  • Birthday 04/20/1994

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Tampere, Finland

nurtsio's Achievements


Newbie (2/6)



  1. Thanks a lot Ryan! You just made my day. Again.
  2. Hi guys, I'm working with a page that needs a vocabulary; a list of items with only two fields (word and explanation). I have pondered how to make this listing with alphabet titles. All words alphabetized of course. Output like this: <h3>A</h3> <ul> <li><strong>absolute monarchy</strong>: explanation for absolute monarchy</li> </ul> <h3>B</h3> <ul> <li><strong>bakeapple</strong>: explanation for bakeapple</li> <li><strong>bankster</strong>: explanation for bankster</li> </ul> I have all words below one parent page. Thanks for help in advance! Akseli
  3. Hi, and thanks to everyone! Ryan's link to htaccess-edit worked. Everything is working properly now! I'm using the latest stable version, meaning 2.0. By the way, is 2.1 currently safe to use on production site?
  4. Hi! I've just begin using ProcessWire. Because my site is written in Finland, it contains lots of ä's (a with dots) and ö's. The problem occurs in every field where I use these characters, it cuts the field content right there. E.g. "hyväntekeväisyys" cuts to "hyv". You see, that's a problem. Is it the default template, UTF-8 or what? Thank you for your assistance, Akseli
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