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  1. Nice module, thanks. Do you provide a easy frontend view (readonly) option? Any example?
  2. I just got the message today, could you please count me to the betatester? I did some padloper installtion and are realy interested to get your module on my computer. Thanks Pat
  3. Thanks @kongondo It worked, I had to do the changes three times.
  4. Thank you @kongondo i will go through the links and come back to report how it went.
  5. Hi @kongondo I do have the same probleme like @toni, what he showed in his video. My settings: newest mysql and php versions, PW 3.0.165 and Media Manager (Process) v0.1.2 β The following didn't change anything: Thanks for your help
  6. @Mike Rockett thank you for your help! With the following modification, I was able to do the jumplink stuff. RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} ^\/index\.php [NC] RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} ^(.+)$ [NC] RewriteRule ^ /index2.php?%1? [R,L]
  7. @Mike Rockett [Wed Sep 26 11:27:17.253274 2018] [core:alert] [pid 13619] [client **] /home/httpd/vhosts/**/.htaccess: Invalid command 'RewriteCond\xef\xbb\xbf', perhaps misspelled or defined by a module not included in the server configuration, referer: https://**/pw/setup/jumplinks/ I don't get this properly done - lack of knowledge of .htaccess coding. Please don't ask me for the current htaccess code, it's rubbish. How can I rewrite the original URL to the deseried URL? Original URL: /index.php?reference=kunststoff&object=1 /index.php?article-group=a&article-number=101.030 Desired destination URL: /reference/kunststoff/object/1 /article-group/a/article-number/101.030 With this desired destination URL, i will be able to pass through jumplinks to reach the final URL.
  8. Hi I try to move an old website to PW. The old links look like this: /index.php?reference=kunststoff&object=1 /index.php?flyer=h6verputzt&object=1 /index.php?article-group=a&article-number=101.030 and so on...not very consistent. The target page could be something like this: /reference/kunstoff1 As feared, jumplinks redirects /index.php?reference=kunststoff&object=1 directly to the homesite. I found the following solution in the forum. But with those changes, i got a Internal Server Error. Any ideas to solve this problem?
  9. https://t.co/PkpmeXfX1U via @TEDTalks

  10. I didn't buy the android tablet yet - I still have the alternative for a windows tablet. But now I will go for android:) Thanks
  11. Thanks LostKobrakai. I'm worried about these two points: Apache must have mod_rewrite enabled (when applicable) Apache must support .htaccess files (when applicable)
  12. Has anybody installed a server on a android tablet to run processwire? I found KSWEB (server + PHP + MySQL) for android. KSWEB includes: - lighttpd server v1.4.35 - nginx v1.9.3 - PHP v5.6.12 - MySQL v5.6.19 - msmtp v1.6.1 - Web Interface v1.2 - KSWEBFTP v1.0 - scheduler Does it have everything what processwire need? Thanks in advance
  13. Otherwise you could download this module: http://modules.processwire.com/modules/process-page-delete/ and you will have the following icon for your customers
  14. #ReinventingOrganizations from Frederic LaLoux. A very interesting book to read: https://t.co/8NREfxirWG

  15. At my current PW version 2.6.3 the duplicate/clone option moved to the 'action' menu.
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