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Everything posted by Mattias

  1. Hi guys! My first post and I have a problem with Data Import Module. I found processwire yesterday and it looks very promising for what I am looking to to do. I keep on running into an error. TemplateFile: Duplicate entry 'mariestads-julebrygd-1008' for key 'name_parent_id' INSERT INTO pages SET parent_id=1008, templates_id=43, name='mariestads-julebrygd', modified_users_id=41, status=1, sort=192,modified=NOW(), created=NOW(), created_users_id=41 When I run data import again it will add around 30 new products then the same error occurs. The xml that i need to read in is fairly large 15.000 products, by running the import a few times i manage to add around 150 products and all the data looks valid and in the right place. The file is in Swedish with ÅÄÖ chars in some values. Here is a screen shot with the error message https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B5OdnzPkcg-gYzU0YjdrR3NFUzg/edit?usp=sharing Here is the XML file: http://www.systembolaget.se/Assortment.aspx?Format=Xml Thank you /mattias
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