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About incognito.ms

  • Birthday 01/01/2011

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    Münster, Germany

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Community Answers

  1. A more or less cosmetic glitch in line 239 of InputfieldRockPageBuilder.js: Uncaught ReferenceError: $root is not defined Inserting $root = this.$root(e) should fix that.
  2. The FAQ has this information: So it seems to be possible to add two or more RockPageBuilder fields to the same template. But how do I place them in the template file? <?= $rockpagebuilder->render(true); ?> does not reflect a certain field.
  3. import() skips over any items already present in the WireArray: https://processwire.com/api/ref/wire-array/import/ Push is an alias for append: https://processwire.com/api/ref/wire-array/push/
  4. Hi @Gideon So basically you have to switch the user's language like this: $user->language = $languages->get('en'); $page->setAndSave('title', 'My title'); $user->language = $languages->get('de'); $page->setAndSave('title', 'Mein Titel'); Alternatively, you can use the setLanguageValue() function: $page->of(false); $page->title->setLanguageValue($languages->get('en'), 'My title'); $page->title->setLanguageValue($languages->get('de'), 'Mein Titel'); $page->save(); See docs here
  5. I think it's a matter of personal taste... Alternative syntax would be something like this: <?php $imgoptions = [ 'quality' => 100, 'upscaling' => false, ]; $products = $page->siblings("id!=$page"); ?> <?php foreach ($products as $prod): ?> <div class='uk-width-1-2@s'> <?php if (count($prod->images)): ?> <a href="<?= $prod->url; ?>"> [... and so on ...] </a> <?php endif;?> </div> <div class='uk-width-1-2@s'> <?= $prod->title; ?> </div> <?php endforeach;?> Furthermore, I normally separate the controller logic (upper part between <?php ... ?> from the view part (lower part) in different two files. In this case, the controller part is very simple, though.
  6. https://modules.processwire.com/modules/image-extra/
  7. Why do you assume it isn't capable of different languages? The source code contains pretty much translatable strings like that: _('You have logged out') – the underscore indicates that it is translatable. What's missing now is the translation itself – feel free to chime in! Here is all you need
  8. I love this module! Maybe it's just me and my weird server, but installing it on ProcessWire 3.0.61 (fresh install) throws the following notices though: Notice: Undefined index: showDebugBar in /var/www/site/assets/cache/FileCompiler/site/modules/TracyDebugger/TracyDebugger.module on line 544 Warning: in_array() expects parameter 2 to be array, null given in /var/www/site/assets/cache/FileCompiler/site/modules/TracyDebugger/TracyDebugger.module on line 544 They vanish if the modules configuration is saved for the first time.
  9. Yes, that version works like a charm! All entries are translatable now. Fantastic
  10. I submitted the profile of our agency (incognito.ms, 14 employees, 10 of them proudly working with PW) some weeks ago. I wonder if agencies are allowed/wanted to be part of the directory?
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