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  1. I might be out of my depth on pop culture, but when did Donald Trump marry Michael Jackson? https://t.co/vp1bJ6HR7L

  2. I wish my email had tapbacks.

  3. It's fascinating we set up our credit system this way. That there are beneficiaries to it belies the system's conflicted agency.

  4. My. Hood. Foreboding much? #portland https://t.co/tNx07yLpXj

  5. RT @katefeetie: ?A stranger's just a friend you haven't disappointed yet?

  6. "So, you're a plate." "I'm more aspiring to be a bowl?" "But you're a plate." "I don't like labels..." #coyplate https://t.co/1Cmf3K5rep

  7. @TechCrunch not only sends spam—when you hit their unsubscribe link—they just ask how many tickets you want to buy https://t.co/Uq4ukKNQhe

  8. So people with iPhone 7's are going to get pushed into pools—just in time for fall!

  9. Nice mural! #portland #bridgetownaikido https://t.co/g7cySqdUBG

  10. #portlandart what building couldn't use a small flying purple bot? https://t.co/Zw4HkXgIwP

  11. Or the wall https://t.co/gwqWCK5W41

  12. Anyone in#Portland who is #ClemsonFamily know where in town to catch #ClemvsAub? #cu #allin #solidorange

  13. Looks like #DonaldDrumpf just announced his potential housing secretary #scram https://t.co/bZweSUuBs3

  14. This seem fair for someone whose worked with Trump. Penn Jillette “However bad you think he is, he’s worse” https://t.co/71gbsrcBZe

  15. This announcer's name is Brock Huard. [I'm next in line; insert your own joke]

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