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Everything posted by FS72

  1. Thank you for your help! I actually didn't have to install the PW first. I was able to use the old version and only had to enter the new access data for the database. The error was caused by a few cache files (*.cache). I deleted them and the site works! I still have one question: How do I get into the backend? /processwire/ does not work. Could it be that the backend login has been renamed? Can I find out? I have already looked in the database, but found nothing.
  2. I get the following error Error: Exception: load error: failed to find /var/www/XXXXXXXX/htdocs/site/templates/composition/html/styles/compile.less (in /usr/www/users/XXXXXXXX/XXXXXXXX/XXXXXXXX/site/templates/composition/lessphp/lessc.inc.php line 1818) The old server path looks like this: /var/www/XXXXXXXX/htdocs/ The new one, like this: /usr/www/users/XXXXXXXX/XXXXXXXX/XXXXXXXX/
  3. I have transferred all files including the database. I have entered the access data for the database. The PHP version is the same. I get a 500 server error. Don't server paths have to be adjusted somewhere?
  4. Hello, I need to take care of a website that uses an old version of ProcessWire. The website needs to move to a new server. I have read that you have to install the software first and then transfer the data. Is this correct? Where can I download an old version 2.7?
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