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  1. I recently inherited a ProcessWire website and had to switch the web address of our ProcessWire site. Old Address – plants.something.edu New Address – plant-directory.something.edu When I go here and login I get an error - https://plant-directory.something.edu/processwire/page/?login=1 Error - The ProcessWire configuration files are located in the /wire/config.php and /site/config.php files. The /wire/config.php file contains detailed descriptions of the $config properties, including default values. The config.ph file was changed from OLD: $config->httpHosts = array('dev.plants.something.edu', 'plants.something.edu'); NEW: $config->httpHosts = array('dev.plants.something.edu', 'plants.something.edu', 'plant-directory.something.edu'); AND: $config->httpHosts = array('plant-directory.something.edu'); How do I clear the error and get updates to show on the live website? Thanks!
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