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Everything posted by DrewPH

  1. 1. Localhost and some IPv6 addresses. So the IP address doesn't have a countryName or countryCode - that's the error I was getting. My reason for reporting is that the module should check whether these elements exist in order to eliminate the possibility of these errors. My fix on my local installation is this: $country_name = isset($temp_records['countryName']) ? $temp_records['countryName'] : ''; $country_image = isset($temp_records['countryCode']) ? strtolower($temp_records['countryCode']) : ''; 2. After further checking, it's not javascript.php that causes this (apologies!). It's dragscroll.js. If I prevent the module loading that script, text selection works. From the dragscroll.js Github page: It goes on to explain how to preserve text selection by excluding children from the dragscroll behaviour
  2. Couple of issues with this module, which I can't post on Github because there's no issues page for the repo: 1. In its current state it throws errors with PHP 8.2 (ProcessPageViewStat.module lines 447 and 448) - it should check if these array elements exist before assigning them. 2. I'm unable to select text on its admin page unless I disable JavaScript. Looks like code in func/javascript.php is preventing this. Will a fixed release be available at some point? Thanks. I'm running version 1.2.3 which I believe is the latest.
  3. OK, thanks, I'll modify my approach accordingly.
  4. OK, thanks, yes this helps a lot. It's close to what I thought would be the case and gives me the detail I was missing. I'd like to be able to set sidebar-page-id as an admin setting rather than hard-wiring it (so I can maintain 2 or 3 sidebar pages and switch them once in a while), but I've been reading the blog post below which I think will give me what I need: https://processwire.com/blog/posts/building-custom-admin-pages-with-process-modules/ Follow-up question: does ProcessWire have an analogue to WordPress's Widget API?
  5. Hi, ProcessWire beginner here (though experienced with other CMS and PHP). A simple question regarding the Simple Blog Profile... When installed, the sidebar is edited with each separate page or post and is therefore different with each URL. If I want a "static" sidebar (editable but same content every URL), what's the best way to do that? (thinking aloud) Create a simple page which is hidden from visitors but contains the sidebar content and is called from the _init template? How would I keep a note of that page's identity so it can be loaded each time? Something in config.php or can I have an admin field where I pick the page to be used? Thanks!
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