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  1. Oh thanks a lot, that sounds quite like my problem! I'll check what my hoster says about the Apache version used.
  2. Thanks for your assessment, I will contact my hosting provider and ask them for help. If this then still seems to be related to Processwire, I'll come back to this thread.
  3. Hi, I'm working on a website and have a textarea field which uses TinyMCE. Now, I have the following problem: If I add a link via the UI which leads to some Google Docs document (which my client did), e.g. https://drive.google.com/open?id=SOME_ID&usp=drive_copy, I can create the link and it works fine, but if I want to edit it again via clicking on it in the editor, a modal opens with a 403 error. The link, which leads to the 403, is: https://DOMAIN/admin/page/link/?modal=1&id=1042&href=https%3A%2F%2Fdrive.google.com%2Fopen%3Fid%3DSOME_ID-%26usp%3Ddrive_copy&text=TITLE I investigated the problem so far that apparently all urls are blocked which include encoded url params (such as "open" and "id" in my case). I am not sure if this is a problem of my web server or of the .htaccess from Processwire. I would really appreciate it if someone knows something about this issue or could at least try to reproduce it!
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