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Jorge Robles

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Everything posted by Jorge Robles

  1. Sorry Soma, I have not explained well. PagePaths is a module built by Ryan for PW 2.3. I've just found on the dev installation while working. Ok.. some Time Machine effect here.
  2. Hi all. Maybe is a dumb post, as I have not read the entire thread (my fault, I know). I've just bumped with PagePaths module (still in beta in pw2.3). As It builds and maintains a full page path index, I think it could be used with minimum effort improve the routing (in any language) to the page needed.
  3. Yes, Sir! I missed the autoload flag in the Module. Now it works beautifully! Thank you guys!
  4. Yes. I've seen that way before, but the idea of making another module is not very appealing for me (in this case). Thank you!
  5. Maybe Modules could implement a TextformatterInterface instead, so any module could act as a Textformatter, and also provide the standard behavior?
  6. Hi all: I've been trying to do a Textformatter based on Wordpress like Shortcodes module, but this textformatter should add a description of what shortcodes are enabled, to every field that has itself attached, in admin area. Documentation on Textformatter class tells that init() is fired when PW is ready, but seems TextFormatters are only init'd upon content rendering (i.e. frontend) instead. What's the way to go? Thanks in advance!
  7. Hi all.. this is my first post in this forum, so I'm a bit nervous I've been dabbling with XML before, and the only decent alternative I found to Altova's XMLSpy is Oxygen (http://www.oxygenxml.com/), available on OSX too. Also, I remember there's a feature in the LibXML2 libraries included in PHP called pull parsing, that could be useful to handle big files. I haven't the need to work with it, but seems useful (http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/xml/library/x-pullparsingphp/index.html) Hope it helps.
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