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  1. Hi, I have requested ftp access from the person who gave me access to the process wire admin. All I want is to add google tag code. Thats it. Cheers!
  2. Hi, I have found myself updating a website for someone that uses processwire. never heard of it before. Used wordpress, shopify understand basic coding.. I can't for the life of me figure out how to even find the code or where to place it. This is what my admin looks like and I get nothing in way of pasting code.. ? https://photos.onedrive.com/share/77A3951E7273EC5A!102840?cid=77A3951E7273EC5A&resId=77A3951E7273EC5A!102840&authkey=!AKeXJ6fhXR4par8&ithint=photo&e=JqfLN3 Literally no options in the admin section, am I running a basic version or what is going on ? any help would be great.
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