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  1. Thanks for your immediate response. I uploaded the Multisite module to the /site/modules/ directory and added this to /site/config.php: <? $config->MultisiteDomains = array( "domain1.ab" => array( "root" => "domain1.ab", "http404" => 1025 ) "domain2.cd" => array( "root" => "domain2.cd", "http404" => 1026 ) "domain3.ef" => array( "root" => "domain3.ef", "http404" => 27 ), ); $config->httpHosts = array_keys($config->MultisiteDomains); ?> The respective root pages are configured with standard PW home template. Page structure is: ROOT (template: home, status: published/hidden) domain1.ab (template: home, status: published/hidden) Test page (template: basic-page) 404 (template: basic-page, id: 1025) domain2.cd (template: home, status: published/hidden) 404 (template: basic-page) domain3.ef (template: home, status: published/hidden) 404 (template: basic-page) SHARED_DATA (status: hidden) 404 (id: 27) Admin … Trash domain3.ef is the original domain. Now every of the domains point to ROOT page. In case of unpublished ROOT page obviously a 404 error occurs.
  2. Unfortunately I’ve got the same problem as Arjen. Can’t see the solution for that here. What do I have to do? Thank you in advance.
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