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Everything posted by Doreen

  1. Thank you Bernhard, that worked for us! Doreen
  2. If I perform a search via "pages" and "find" in the admin panel I get some searchresults. When I click on other pages than "1" ProcessWire produces an error-meassage (see below). Thank you for your help. Here is the error-message, while using the paginator, when klicking on other pages than "1":
  3. Dear People, in the admin panel I trie to use pages -> find. Wehen I try to change the page in de search-results, I always get this message: {"error":false,"message":"Unknown Lister action"} Lister v0.2.6 β I use ProcessWire 3.0.200 . Does anyone has an idea, how I can solve this? Thanks a lot, Doreen
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