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Everything posted by sbarner

  1. PHP is version 5.3.3, MySQL is 5.1.67, and the MySQL port number is 3306. I checked and the mysqld process is indeed listening on that port. I don't think the firewall is open for port 3306, but I was thinking it didn't need to be, since everything is happening locally except the client browser access. Do I need to open the firewall on that port? Thanks
  2. Here are the settings from config.php: $config->dbHost = 'localhost';$config->dbName = 'pw';$config->dbUser = 'pw';$config->dbPass = ''; /** Removed */$config->dbPort = '3306'; I checked and mysqld is running and the installer did not complain about not being able to reach the database.
  3. I've tried installing ProcessWire twice (via git) on a production CentOS server to which I have complete access. Both times the installation script seems to run fine, but in the end when I try to view the site or login I get this error: Error Exception: DB connect error 2005 - Unknown MySQL server host 'Config' (1) (in /www/<server name removed>/ProcessWire/wire/core/ProcessWire.php line 96) From what I can see, line 96 starts with "throw New WireDatabaseException" and had no reference to Config. Can anyone provide some direction on how to troubleshoot this? Thanks, Steve
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