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Everything posted by Mfeuille

  1. Hello, I am using the srcset module in a very basic way and I am trying to combine with forced progressive JPG. Which (forced progressive JPG) works with the width() $options = array('forceNew' => true, 'interlace' => true, 'suffix' => 'srcset'); $imageProg = $image->width($image->width, $options); Can we force the variations created by the srcset to be automatically interlace ? Is there a way to force all API generated variations to follow this option without using the size() method ? I tried this with no success. $srcset = $imageProg->srcset; Thanks for your help!
  2. Hello Juergen, I tried to install the module, but I have this error when I tried to add it from the admin : Erreur d'analyse (parse): syntax error, unexpected 'string' (T_STRING), expecting function (T_FUNCTION) or const (T_CONST) (ligne 22 de site/modules/FrontendContact/FrontendContact.module) I also have this error when I tried to install the FrontendForms : Erreur d'analyse (parse): syntax error, unexpected 'const' (T_CONST) (ligne 43 de site/modules/FrontendForms/FrontendForms.module)
  3. Hi ! Hello sorry for digging up this very old topic, but I am experiencing the same issue that creativejay describes in the first quote. Impossible to display the date of an event on the event page. I am using the recurme module displayed with FullCalendar. I don't get what 'toggle active' means in this situation and I can't find anything related in the Markup file. $event = $recurme->event($page); echo $event; //output 0 I tried to get the timestamps which is added to the url but $page->url returns just the original url, and not the "url + /?date=1681959600". I am thinking of a way to display the effective page url and extracting the timestamp, translating into readable ISO but I guess there is a proper way to access each occurence data… Hope you could give me a little help, by the way thanks for this support page, I spend hours reading all of you !
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