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Everything posted by daniel712

  1. Sum up for the last weeks: I learned a lot about HMTL and CSS. Now i will try to do some own sites and see how far i can get... One question about CSS is: Do you use frameworks or do you style up your projects with your own "little" CSS framework? On this question there are also different youtube contributions of the above mentioned channels, which are very good! But also i want to ask here in the PW community, how you "usually" start projects? Do you usually first take a framework (e.g. bootstrap) and only in specific cases style up the project on your own, or do you go the other way round and take your own styles and only for specific reasons take a framework, and why? Until now, i think, it makes more sense to study CSS and JS itself before studying bootstrap, because their docs are also very escalating and bloated. And after all your work "looks like bootstrap", except you come up with a lot of work on top to "restyle" it that it looks a little bit different. Tanks for all your input on that and Best Regards!
  2. Great, thanks for the Tipps! Getting there... getting there... For the highlighting: I'm a vim guy (like wbmnfktr), so i use neovim with the treesitter plugin for highlighting and nvim-cmp with emmet for the completion. So the highlighting is very nice. I just thought there is a nicer way to write this php inside html somehow nicer, but with the shorthand that's already a little better. In general it's still not very nice... Does anybody know a nice example of this where some care has been taken to make the code itself look as much readable as possible? Another small question came along (i am going through some workshops...): When i want to put a background image in the CSS file instead of the HTML, the PW php command regarding the path of the file does not work. Is there a solution for this, or is it not the way to do things? .mobile-nav-toggle[aria-expanded="true"] { background-image: url("<?php echo $config->urls->templates; ?>images/icon-hamburger.svg"); } vs. .mobile-nav-toggle[aria-expanded="true"] { background-image: url("../images/icon-hamburger.svg"); }
  3. Hi Friends, working through different workshops to get into HTML, CSS weaving together with PHP... (Henning and Kevin Frontend Mentor...)... first things first ? I love it... it's so flexible! In the Frontend Mentor project i have to use JS on a site. This does not work. Do i have to "enable" JS in PW? I have this code in my head coming from the default: <script src="<?php echo $config->urls->templates; ?>scripts/main.js"></script> Thanks for that! And PS: is there any way to make these PHP inside HTML some more READABLE??? The code looks sooo ugly. May i break up these long lines with all the PW php inserted? Or how do you do this? Example: <a href="#"><img src="<?php echo $config->urls->templates; ?>images/logo.svg" alt="Manage"></a> <button class="mobile-nav-toggle" aria-controls="primary-navigation" aria-expanded="false"> <img class="icon-hamburger" src="<?php echo $config->urls->templates; ?>images/icon-hamburger.svg" alt="" aria-hidden="true"> <img class="icon-close" src="<?php echo $config->urls->templates; ?>images/icon-close.svg" alt="" aria-hidden="true"> <span class="visually-hidden">Menu</span> <!-- screen-reader ... accessability --> </button>
  4. I did this thing with a keystroke for now... with <F9> and <F10> i can switch the filetype btw html and php, so this works...
  5. Hey Friends, thanks for the hints to VSCode... ? but i am too much into vim, like and those functions you mentioned are way more customizable, and so on... but with this little anecdote let's put asleep the $EDITOR topic: Yes i watched Kevin when he was duplicating a section block like 5 times in VSCode ... "1, 2, 4 ... now we have 5, i think..." - lol - so , thats one of the main reasons for vim, i love my "vat" or "8dd", not even touched the macro function... :)) Where to go from here: I found the CSS tuts of Kevin Powell. That will help me through the CSS dschungle! ? Great thanks for that! He also had good tipps for beginners to HTML5 to do it right from the beginning. What i love about this is the close similiarity to LaTeX, because i'm a great fan of LaTeX! And there they copied the principle of keeping apart structure and content... ? Best Wishes to Don Knuth! ? ... Small anecdote to this: I loved the clip where he strippes down the mess in the FIFA Site... ? I heard about DOM manipulation, so this is a topic to look into for the next days... Where would be a good starting point to read about a mysql connection of PW to an external existing database? This topic i am very excited about to get and update values thereof with the nice php functions of PW and the custom style templates... i love this freedom! Great Thanks to all PW Devs! ? Should also be no stress to print nice LaTeX or Markup pdf documents with PW, correct? Has anybody talked about this topic? For the beginning i will follow the advice of Kevin and try to copy existing sites and to contribute to OpenSource projects, because that's my world... Let's see!
  6. Hi Friends, yes night a had a little doubt when i was browsing some profiles (uikit3 i started with)... will i ever get into this, or just stop right away... ? BUT Let's try step by step... I mean, i come from a Linux server background (server, and cloud maintaining). So a every day maxim to me is KISS (keep it simple stupid!)... But when i watched all this weaving together HTML, PHP and CSS i was overwhelmed... Today i started the tutorial series of Henning to get in the basics and a lot of things become very clear! I hope i can get around coding all the CSS stuff... jut use a nice template and adjust... hopefully... ? Small anecdote: When setting up vim plugins for the PW dev i smiled a little about the commentary plugin... "why do i ever need a plugin to do comments?" - then i saw all the different commenting styles in these files... :))) How do you solve the problem of filetypes in vim? I can either set it to html or php, but i need both... in ultisnips i can add filetypes together, the works like a charm, but otherwise? Do you set it to php or html?
  7. Great! Thanks guys for the starting points! This brings me to another ddev question: When i am browsing through these different profiles to figure things out, do i need to spin up a whole new ddev config for each PW instance or can i do multiple subdomains with each one project in it. But then i would need also different db's - from the first hours of playing with these setup it's only one db in one ddev config, correct? So i will do one ddev config for every project/profile?
  8. Hello All, just want to feedback in this thread about my personal start with PW and my progress: I watched the video series of Jonathan Lahijani about WP vs. PW and got very excited. Found a german yt playlist of @LeonidLezner with some infos to start with. After these two series, understood the main concept and advantages BUT, also understood that there is a lot to learn about PHP and CSS coding to get into PW. It's not just working in the nice PW backend... ? This topic is a bit kind of "under-represented" in the Getting started intros. This is definitly not like WP... - it's way better, but also way more coding itself! So, where is a good starting point to get in this PHP and CSS topics in connection with PW dev? I also did the Beginners Guide of Francesco Schwarz, but there is not too much about it in this one... Great thanks for help Daniel
  9. Works like a charm! Great Thanks! ? Does most of you going this way? Or does anybody prefer a local installed LEMP stack, why then?
  10. Hi Friends, during my setup for PW, i am tuning up my workflow, so your setup looks is very nice and fits for me too! Just to understand it right: On my desktop i am running on debian as on all my servers. To setup now the local dev workflow i will install the exactly same LEMP stack here on my machine and do the dev with localhost. After everything is up and running i will pull it on a dev.server for testing and then upload it to the final production server. Correct? I am just asking because in e.g. in prepros i read something of a "built in local webserver". So is there a lot of tools, which have the local dev server built in? Why don't use them? Because you want to have the exact same setup as on the Server, correct? Thanks a lot for reply to help me getting into PW! So nice piece of software! Daniel
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