Adam Kiss
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Everything posted by Adam Kiss
I see some topic related new settings. TBH, I haven't really looked out for them Anyway, Ryan, please delete this ours OT stuff [i can't edit/delete posts, topics only), so we don't spam our users' posts
Awesome stuff! So far it looks that I'll dive into that next week, while developing this new website (I don't have the design from the designer yet, so there still is at least the templating stuff before developing it)
[forum] I just wrote 1,500th post! :)
Adam Kiss replied to Adam Kiss's topic in News & Announcements
Well, yeah, 3 of us (you, apeisa & me) did actually 2/3rd of all posts, but still, it isn't that bad! -
Ah that's ok. Unfortunately, my problem is that form generator doesn't work with gallery [or multiple images, at least], and that's kind of biggest reason I want to solve it this way.
Ryan, please move this into it's own topic group, it doesn't belong into 'Wishlist & Roadmap' in my opinion.
This one is actually 1,501st, so congrats us!
Wouldn't the problem be this: After creating a page, you must either add content & save, or save only, because I new pages are not published in the moment you create them; they are created & saved, but you must hit the save button at least once to publish the page. This is to prevent empty pages showing on websites, if you add pages while having any traffic. Try opening the page you don't see in editor, just open it, hit save and let us know if it works.
Bump So there is no good way to use user system & page edit form generation to have these partners to edit their pages themselves (but their pages only)? Or is there any other way
Love the cars and quite like the design, good work! The only problem I have is with contact form, it doesn't really fit that well into the design, that's for one. Also, the logo is horrible, but that might not be your fault Nice addition to the family of pages running on PW all in all
Simplifying page status: published/hidden etc
Adam Kiss replied to apeisa's topic in Wishlist & Roadmap
I actually think it's horrible idea; at least, the part with two buttons. 'unpublished' status it's a good idea; There is much more then one usecase for this setting Having two buttons just during the first content input, I think it'll just confuse users If add the two buttons during the first 'real save', we now have: One 'save' button, which creates unpublished page then two buttons, which either do or don't change page status (save as draft and save as published) then we have one again, which either also publishes the page (if saved as draft previously) or doesn't All in all, I don't think it's good idea to introduce more buttons, that do basically the same thing (save), but with slightly different flavors. But, dedicated place of page edit setting the page published/drafted only, it's a good idea. -
Ryan, two notes: 1., can this contact from template use any field in PW? 2., wouldn't it be better if you created release: thread for this plugin?
I'm thinking that working towards one configurable module might be the best option. I'm actually looking forward to implement some of these actions in my List After Save plugin, along with some quick link in the menu, so users can switch their setting dynamically without browsing 10 different screens – imagine this situation: your default setting is viewing content immediately after saving it. But you know you just have to do update of 20+ pages, so you might want to do: click to edit settings, change settings, save, add 20 pages, revert settings. Actually, I might incorporate some sort of this in the alpha version of the new admin UI.
New forum section request: administration hacks & todos
Adam Kiss replied to Adam Kiss's topic in Wishlist & Roadmap
Good call – in the moment of this request, I had already the post about creating one hardwired user-page http://processwire.com/talk/index.php/topic,258.0.html, that's why I used term 'hacks' -
Apeisa: That might be some side accomplishment, at least I haven't tried that with non-supardamin users yet – since my last experiment with non-sa, ehich turned out to be not good at all (I missclicked something, haven;t been able to understand user settings and made a total mess out of access configuration in pages )
Ryan: Thank you, but unfortunately, I wanted to use processpageedit because the partner page's will require 2 or 3 textareas and at least one gallery, which I was hoping to dump on PW gallery administrating skills (so I wouldn't have to code anything regarding adding, editing and removing photos from galleries)
situation Your client's webpage's subject has partners; your client decided, that partners should have one webpage in section /partners/ only. Also, your client would like to have some sort of 'client access', which would allow them to log in, edit their page (one and only), save it and log out. idea create different admin section , called 'your webpage' (for instance), that basically points to ProcessPageEdit page for one and only ID. These 'partner' users only see this section, nothing else; no pages, no modules, no fields or anything. They also can't get to these pages, because they have restricted access. Upon logging in, PW checks against custom field in user record in db to see which page ID is available for that particular client. Then it's redirected into created 'your page' section, which basically load ProcessPageEdit with that one particular ID. This 'partner' user can edit and save, but this page only and the only other function available is to log in/out how to do it? That is the question. Note: Ryan, if you create that in-the-other-post mentioned Administration hacks & to-dos section, please move this there. Thank you. Adam
Hi, I believe more people than me will be interested in this question. situation You, as either an agency or freelancer, want to give your client access to edit his website. After all, PW gives you very wide range of tools to create quite limited pages, having the exact fields you need to have, so your client doesn't make mistakes. However, you also use some pages or branches in your page tree to hold special types of data – banners, news, internal field pages, etc. the need You may need to lock some pages for clients: either make it un-editable (e.g. /news/ parent for news subpages) or flatout hidden (so clients are not confused with them, because they hold important page data, just un-editable by client) the problem How would you do this? While current system is quite nice, the user settings page isn't top of the class and also, it would be nice to know how pages' access settings override each other. If this has been already covered by documentation, please provide link (if google and other SE decide to pick up this topic – it might be easier to find for new users) Adam
@Apeisa: I'm not sure this setup allows different users to have different settings, unfortunately! But I will look into it! @Ryan: Thanks, I will use this 'upgrades', if possible. It looks that I'll maintaint this plugin after all!
Introduction Enhancing my previous post about modifying pagesave routine, which resulted in Ryan's module [for both there is link, but I'm too lazy to look it up. Sorry], I took it a little bit further and created this mini-module. It has been actually finished for month, but after all, I'm lazy mofo. What it does? Redirects into list after saving a page. Redirects into list after saving a field. Redirects into list after saving a template. If you click breadcrumbs above your page edit area, you're redirected into this page in your pagetree, rather than it's edit window. All configurable [default: on all] How to install As mentioned, I'm lazy idiot, so instead of creating intelligent package or something, I added this file here [only]. Create folder 'ListAfterSave', Put this file there, refresh your modules and activate. Modify options, if you're picky idiot. Legal notice I created this. By downloading and/or installing this file, you agree that if anything goes wrong, you're an idiot and everything that may or may not include data loss is your fault. Download Attached to this post OT My feet really hurt, I've been doing sports. Adam ListAfterSave.module
Hi, nice plugin Just one suggestion: Often the value administrator sees isn't the same one you want to have saved in your db (for code purposes). So it would be nice to have option to create value-label combo, e.g.: In your $field->options, you have 1:=Eat your hair 2:=Eat your eyes 3:=Eat your world and then, when generating the field, you use numbers as option values and the eat strings as 'labels' shown in select Note: I selected delphi assign symbol (:=), because it offers nice readbility, but let's administrators use ':' '=' in their labels – but combination of both (:=) just doesn't appear in natural language (only in =:haxx0rz:=) ;D
I remember working both with fck & tinymce before, my experience: FCKEditor was real pain to setup for me, because (in that time), if you downloaded it, it came with everypossible option & plugin it had and I had really hard time to setup all paths to including files work 100% (either you haven't see pictures in the fckeditor itself or on the page), but I was much worse programmer back then. TinyMCE was easier to setup, but always felt little more amateurish – from the UI to all the possibilites to Xbrowser compatibility – while FCK maintains most of the features in most used browser working 100% or very close, TinyMCE suffers a lot from various bugs (or not 100% working features) – mostly in webkit (image selection [which, to be fair, doesn't work 100% in FCK either] and others) or opera, which needs a lot of love from TinyMCE. This ofcourse was back then – now it seems, that TinyMCE got a little ahead of FCKEditor, but the very little I have worked with CKEditor (the new version), it looks much better (default avail. skins), seems to be easier (then FCK) to include in your project and has all the perks – professional crossbrowser compatibility. That's my, albeit little outdated experience.
I think there's some code to include 'hidden' pages in your API calls, but I can't recall it right now. Other than that, if default behavior is to exclude hidden children, correct behavior for numChildren would be to return 0 if every child is hidden.
I wonder... have you tried using correct code, i.e. closing the <img> tag?
noodles101: Good work! Just a quick note: You seem to forget to set correct 'current' class for active navigation, so 'home' is always set in bold (as opposed to correct section)