Non-stable. Not yet intended for use in production environments.
Modules 1 to 20 of 45
- AdminInModal 0.4.0 alpha by MarkE
Provides hook for admin lightbox in front end as well as back end.
2025/03/08 — Admin Helpers2 - HannaCodeDialogTiny 0.1.2 alpha by BitPoet
Hanna Code Dialog for TinyMCE: Enhances the use of Hanna tags in TinyMCE fields, including the dialog-based editing of Hanna tags.
2023/11/04 — Admin Helpers4 - FieldtypeRecurringDates 0.0.1 alpha by Eduardo San Miguel Garcia
Recurring Dates: Field that stores recurring events from a UI to define RRules.
2024/07/04 — Fieldtype Modules, Inputfield Modules6 - TfaWebAuthn 1.0.1 alpha by Adam Blunt
WebAuthn two-factor authentication: For modern two factor authentication with U2F keys and on-device credentials like Fingerprints/Face
2024/05/20 — Users and Access, Authentication4 - SelectOncePerTable 0.2.2 alpha by Robin S
Adds an option to "select" columns in a ProFields Table field so that each option can only be selected once per table.
2022/01/27 — Admin Helpers8 - SessionAllow 0.0.1 alpha by Ryan Cramer
Enables you to configure whether to allow session for each request based on configured rules. Requires PW 3.0.184 or newer.
2021/09/17 — Authentication, Development Tools6 - ProcessModuleApiDoc 0.2.0 alpha by BitPoet
Module API Docs: On-the-fly class documentation viewer for the ProcessWire CMS.
2021/05/04 — Development Tools1 - RockIframe 1.0.4 alpha by bernhard
Iframe Sidebar for the ProcessWire page edit screen. RockIframe shows a preview of any content that can be rendered in an iframe and keeps the page editor 100%…
2022/07/10 — Admin Helpers1 - CacheRedis 0.0.2 alpha by BitPoet
Redis Cache: Simple interface to Redis in-memory storage similar to WireCache
2020/02/28 — Markup Generation2 - StaticWire 0.0.6 alpha by christophengelmayer
Convert pages to static HTML files via CLI or the admin interface.
2021/06/27 — Import/Export8 - ProcessAssetsBackups 0.9.1 alpha by jaromic
Assets Backups: Create and/or restore assets backups from ProcessWire admin.
2019/04/29 — Admin Helpers, Import/Export, Process Modules1 - PaymentMollie 0.0.2 alpha by typografics
PaymentMollie-PW3: Processwire payment module for Mollie
2019/04/18 — Other Modules4 - PageQueryBoss 0.0.6 alpha by noelboss
A ProcessWire Module to build complex nested queries containing multipple fields and pages and return an array that can be parsed to JSON. This is usefull to…
2021/06/27 — Import/Export, Markup Generation, Other Modules16 - LoolEditor 0.0.9 alpha by BitPoet
LibreOffice Online Editor: Allow editing page files in common office formats directly in the ProcessWire backend with LibreOffice Online / Collabora CODE.
2018/04/15 — Inputfield Modules2 - ProcessPagesExport 0.0.1 alpha by kongondo
Pages Export: A module and class for exporting ProcessWire 2.x sites in a format compatible with import into ProcessWire 3.x using its new Pages Export/Import feature.
2018/03/22 — Development Tools, Import/Export1 - SymmetricEncryptedText 0.1.2 alpha by BitPoet
Symmetric Encryption for Text Fields: Store values of text fields in the database encrypted
2024/04/11 — Fieldtype Modules, Proof of Concept7 - GrayscalePw 1.01 alpha by rafaoski
Grayscale Profile: Grayscale Profile for Processwire CMS | CMF ( No sample pages )
2018/03/10 — Site Profiles4 - RestApiProfile 0.1.0 alpha by Thomas Aull
Build a rest API with ProcessWire. Including JWT-Auth and a Vue SPA example
2018/09/19 — Site Profiles3 - FieldtypeHandsontable 0.0.4 alpha by bernhard
FieldtypeHandsontable: Excel-like Inputfield: Fieldtype to easily create Excel-Like Inputfields and store as JSON
2017/09/16 — Fieldtype Modules, Import/Export, Inputfield Modules4 - FieldtypeFields 0.0.2 alpha by martijn-geerts
Select Fields: Field storing field references.
2018/05/03 — Fieldtype Modules5